P1ants of four wild Pr/mula species were planted in the field at Kunming and the photosynthesis
was tested with LI-6400 portable photosynthesis system for adding knowledge of photosynthesis to the wild
Pnm~a species.Species diference Was found in light compensation point(IJCP,txmol’m一’s ),light
saturation point(LSP,p,mol·m一。s )and CO2 compensation point(CCP,C02p,mol·mol )of photosynthesis.
Pr/mula pulverulenta Duthie had the highest LCP(28),the other three species had lower LCP(8—1 5).
P obconica Hance had both lOW I5P(80)and photosynthetic rate(Pn),and highest CCP(80).P bulleyana
Fort.and P.pulverulenta showed both the highest I5P(500)and Pn.and intermediate CCP(64—69),while
P forrestii Balf.f.had middle LSP and Pn.but the lowest CCP(54).The diurnal changes of Pn and transpi—
ration rate(Tr)in May were one.peaked curves.reaching a maximum at about 10 and 13 O’clock for Pn and
Tr.respectively.The species differences were exhibited by curve height of their diurnal courses
‘Yan An 2’is a new pear variety,selected from the colony of(Pyrus ussuriensis Maxim.)
in Yanshan.The soluble solids content is 1 5.7% ,the titratable acid content is 1.0 1% ,and the vitamin C
content is 9.72 mg。kg~.The culture has an average fruit mass of 103.3 g and matured in late September to
early October in Qinhuangdao.It’S flesh is fine and tender in texture with the aroma and flavor of Anli.