Nitrogen release experiment and field experimentwere conducted to study release characteris
tics of the controlled2release fertilizer (CRF) coated with hydrophobic material (organic macromolecule poly
mer) and its effects on yield and quality of app le as compared to common urea. Three release stages were
found in nitrogen release curve: increasing stage, peak stage, decreasing stage. Field experiment showed that
controlled-release pattern of CRF met the nitrogen requirements of app le trees, and then p romoted its growth,
yield and quality.
The effects of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) on p lant growth and osmotic adjustment
matter content of pot cultured tomato under NaCl stress ( 0.5% and 1% ) were studied. The results showed
that AMF-inoculation significantly increased tomato p lant growth, promoted the accumulation of soluble sugar
in leaves and roots, increased soluble p rotein in leaves and proline content in roots under salt stress, so AMF
enhanced salt tolerance of tomato plants. The accumulation of soluble sugar, soluble p rotein and root p roline
induced by AMF played an important role in osmotic adjustmentmechanism of enhanced salt tolerance in my
corrhizal tomato.