
Acta Horticulturae Sinica ›› 2022, Vol. 49 ›› Issue (3): 493-508.doi: 10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2021-1080

• Research Papers • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Comparative Metabolic and Transcriptomic Analysis of Ripening Fruit in Pear Cultivars of‘Sucui 1’‘Cuiguan’and‘Huasu’

WANG Hong1,2,*(), YANG Wangli1,2, LIN Jing1,*(), YANG Qingsong1, LI Xiaogang1, SHENG Baolong1, CHANG Youhong1   

  1. 1Institute of Pomology,Jiangsu Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Jiangsu Key Laboratory for Horticultural Crop Genetic Improvement,Nanjing 210014,China
    2College of Horticulture,Nanjing Agricultural University,Nanjing 210095,China
  • Received:2021-10-28 Revised:2021-12-28 Online:2022-03-25 Published:2022-03-25
  • Contact: WANG Hong,LIN Jing;


An early-maturing pear‘Sucui 1’was developed by crossing ‘Huasu’and‘Cuiguan’. The‘Sucui 1’produces fruit with sweet taste,crisp texture and low level of stone cells,so it is well accepted by consumers. To explore biochemical and molecular mechanisms that establish the characteristics of the ripening fruit in‘Sucui 1’,we carried out the metabolic and transcriptomic analysis using UPLC-MS,HPLC,and an amino acid analyzer and RNA-seq approach. The results from the metabolic analysis showed that metabolites such as sugars,organic acids,amino acids and lipids were significantly different between‘Sucui 1’and its parents. Although the total soluble sugar content was similar between‘Sucui 1’and‘Cuiguan’,and the total organic acid content was similar between ‘Sucui 1’and‘Huasu’,the level of sucrose,malate,Asp,Phe,Met,glycerophospholipids and palmitaldehyde was significantly higher in the ripening fruit of‘Sucui 1’. On the other hand,the level of sorbitol and chlorogenic acid was significantly lower in the ripening fruit of‘Sucui 1’compared to ‘Cuiguan’. Differentially expressed genes involved in the biosynthesis pathways of these metabolites were further identified using RNA-Seq. The results from the transcriptomic analysis showed that GO terms such as organic acid biosynthesis,organic substance catabolic process,carbohydrate metabolic process,carboxylic acid biosynthetic process,lipid biosynthetic process and polysaccharide metabolic process were significantly enriched in the comparison of‘Sucui 1’to‘Cuiguan’and‘Huasu’. The higher accumulation of SPS transcripts might be related to the higher level of sucrose in‘Sucui 1’. The higher transcript accumulation of S6PDH and SDH might contribute to its more active sorbitol metabolism. Additionally,the upregulation of FUM1,ICDH,PDH,OGDHL might be related to metabolite accumulations in the TCA cycle. Moreover,differential expression of GAT,GLSN,LASPO,SAMS and DGK1,ACCA,KASC2,ADH2 and PLDA might be related to the higher amino acid and lipid contents in ‘Sucui 1’. These findings provide a foundation for pear quality improvement.

Key words: Pyrus pyrifolia, fruit quality, differentially expressed metabolites, differentially expressed genes, qRT-PCR

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