
园艺学报 ›› 2007, Vol. 34 ›› Issue (1): 173-178.

• 观赏植物 • 上一篇    下一篇


缴丽莉1 ; 路丙社1*
; 周如久1 ;白志英1 ; 梁海永2 , 甄红伟3

  1. (1 河北农业大学园林与旅游学院, 河北保定071000; 2 河北农业大学林学院, 河北保定071000; 3 河北农业大学西陵林场, 河北易县074200)
  • 收稿日期:1900-01-01 修回日期:1900-01-01 出版日期:2007-02-25 发布日期:2007-02-25

Effects of Shading on Net Photosynthetic Rate and Chlorophyll FluorescenceParameters of Leaf in David Maple (Acer davidii Franch. )

JIAO Li-li1 ; LU Bing-she1*
; ZHOU Ru-jiu1 ; BAI Zhi-ying1 ; LIANG Hai-yong2 ; ZHEN Hong-wei3

  1. ( 1 College of Landscape and Tourism, AgriculturalUniversity of Hebei, Baoding, Hebei 071000, China; 2 Forestry College, Agricultural University of Hebei, Baoding, Hebei 071000, China; 3 Forestry Station, Agricultural University of Hebei, Yixian, Hebei074200, China)
  • Received:1900-01-01 Revised:1900-01-01 Online:2007-02-25 Published:2007-02-25

摘要: 研究了遮光15%、35%、50%和全光照处理对青榨槭新梢生长、叶片色素含量、净光合速率
以及叶绿素荧光参数的影响。结果表明, 随着遮光度增加, 叶片色素含量增加, 叶绿素a /b减小; 叶片净
光合速率( Pn) 、初始荧光( Fo) 、原初光能转化效率( Fv/Fm) 和光化学猝灭系数( qP) 增加, 但非光化
学猝灭系数( qN) 降低。全光照和遮光15%处理条件下, Pn日变化呈双峰曲线, 而35%和50%处理条件
下呈单峰曲线; 遮光35%和50%处理条件下Fv/Fm日变化幅度较小, 15%和全光照处理条件下Fv/Fm日
变化呈先上升后下降再上升趋势。50%遮光处理青榨槭幼苗Pn最高, 新梢年生长量最大, 可在育苗生产中

关键词: 青榨槭, 遮光, 色素, 光合作用, 叶绿素荧光

Abstract: The shoot growth and the pigment content, net photosynthetic rate, transp iration rate and
chlorophyll fluorescence of leaf under different shading treatments (0% , 15% , 35% and 50% ) were investi
gated in david maple seeding. The results showed that the p igment content, net photosynthetic rate, minimal
fluorescence ( Fo ) , conversion efficiency of p rimary light energy ( Fv/Fm ) of PS Ⅱ and photochemical
quenching coefficient ( qP) were enhanced, but the non-photochemical quenching coefficient ( qN) was de
creased as shading increased. The diurnal variation curve of net photosynthetic rate had two peaks under 0%
and 15% shading treatments, while there was only one peak under 35% and 50% shading treatments. The di
urnal variations of Fv/Fm showed increase-decrease-increase curve under 0% and 15% shading treatments,
and kep tstable in 35% and 50% shading treatments. It is concluded that 50% shading suitable for the growth
of david maple seedlings.

Key words: David maple, Shading, Pigment, Photosynthesis, Chlorophyll fluorescence