In present study,10 SNP and 10 InDel markers associated with Glomerella leaf spot(GLS) resistance in the region ofRgls,on apple linkage group(LG)15,in a region of 500 kb between S0304673 and S0405127 markers,obtained by using the whole genome sequencing technology were tested in the population of 207 F1 individuals derived from a cross between‘Golden Delicious’and‘Fuji’apples by High Resolution Melting(HRM). Two SNP and 4 InDel markers tightly linked to the Rgls locus were screened. Through analyzing the genotypes and phenotypes of the recombinant individuals,the Rglslocus was fine mapped within a distance of 100 kb between InDel4199 and SNP4299 markers on the‘Golden Delicious’genome sequence and was co-segregated with InDel4227 and InDel4254 markers. Forty genes were predicted within the region of 4.1–4.3 Mb flanked the Rglslocus,including cellular component,molecular function and biological process in a total of 19 GO classifications.
We studied genetic characters of some special peach traits such as chrysanthemum type(shorten chrys),narrow leaf shape,white and yellow leaf,distorted and weeping shape tree,to provide evidence for peach breeding. Chrys trait,leaf white trait and weeping shape were studied by structuring F1 and F2 populations which were derived from crossing of‘Fenjuhuatao’בHonggen Gansutao 1’,‘Hongchuizhi’בFenjuhuatao’,‘S9’בFenjuhuatao’,‘FenJuhuatao’בRuiguang 2’,‘Hongshanhu’×(‘Fenjuhuatao’בRuiguang 2’). Narrow leaf trait was studied by structuring F1 and F2 populations which derived from crossing between‘Jinmi Xiayetao’and‘99-7-14’,‘99-7-15’,‘98-4-32’. Leaf yellow trait was studied by structuring F1 and F2 populations which derived from crossing of‘Beijing 2-7’בBaihua Shanbitao’. Distorted shape was studied by structuring F1 and F2 populations which derived from crossing of‘Hongchuizhi’בZhouxing Shantao’and‘96-7-56’בZhouxing Shantao’. The result as follow:in cross of‘Fenjuhuatao’בHonggen Gansutao 1’,‘Hongchuizhi’בFenjuhuatao’,‘S9’בFenjuhuatao’and‘Beijing 2-7’בFenjuhuatao’,there are two pairs of genes(Ch/ch,Ch2/ch2)which control inheritance of“showy/chrys”form trait,and showy is dominant to chrys. But in cross of‘Fenjuhuatao’בRuiguang 2’,showy displays intermediate trait of nonshowy and chrys. In cross of ‘99-7-14’בJinmi Xiayetao’and‘98-4-32’בJinmi Xiayetao’,“normal/narrow”trait displays inheritance controlled by two pairs of genes(Nl/nl,Nl2/nl2),and normal trait isdominant to narrow,but in cross of‘99-7-15’בJinmi Xiayetao’,the trait is controlled by a single gene. Leaf“normal/white”trait displays inheritance controlled by a single gene(Wl/wl),and normal trait is dominant to white. The recessive gene(wl)probably come from‘Fenjuhuatao’. Leaf“normal/yellow”trait displays inheritance controlled by two pairs of genes(Yl/yl,Yl2/yl2),and one of them can be restricted by the other. The recessive gene(yl or yl2)probably come from‘Baihua Shanbitao’. Upright tree habit displays intermediate trait of“distorted/weeping”shape and“distorted/standard”shape respectively.“standard/weeping”trait displays inheritance controlled by a single gene(We/we)in three crosses of standard and weeping trait,and standard trait is dominant to weeping. Conclusion:chrys trait is controlled by two pairs of recessive genes(chchch2ch2). Narrow leaf trait is probably controlled by two pairs of recessive genes(nlnlnl2nl2). Leaf white trait is controlled by two recessive genes(wlwl). Leaf yellow trait is controlled by two pairs of gene(Yl_yl2yl2 or Yl2_ylyl). Only standard,upright and distorted trait is controlled by a single gene(Br2/br2),and distorted trait is controlled by two genes(br2br2). Weeeping trait is controlled by two recessive genes(wewe).
Light-red-skinned‘Muscat Rouge’grape is mutation of white-skinned‘Muscat Blanc’. Both of them are high-quality grapewine cultivars. However,the mechanism of the color mutation in ‘Muscat Rouge’has not been elucidated so far. In this study,12 SSR markers were applied to analyze the relationship of these two cultivars firstly. The results revealed that there was not amplification difference between them. The VvmybA1 gene sequence analysis results revealed that‘Muscat Blanc’harbored only VvmybA1a at the VvmybA1 locus,both VvmybA1a and VvmybA1b alleles in‘Muscat Rouge’. The qRT-PCR results indicated that the higher levels of expression of VvmybA1 gene,3-O-glucosyltransferase(UFGT),flavanone 3',5'-hydroxylase(F3'5'H),chalcone synthase(CHS),O-methyltransferase(OMT),and glutathione-S-transferase(GST)were detected in‘Muscat Rouge’and‘Pinot Noir’. The elementary composition of the anthocyanin profiles were analyzed using high-performance liquid chromatography and electrospray ionization mass spectrometry(HPLC–ESI–MS/MS),revealing divergent chemical profiles.‘Muscat Rouge’and‘Pinot Noir’both showed higher abundance of Cyanidin 3-O-glucoside(CyG),Cyanidin 3-O-glucoside-5-O-glucoside(Cy2G),Delphinidin 3-O-glucoside(DpG),Malvidin 3-O-glucoside(MvG),Peonidin 3-O-glucoside(PnG),Petunidin 3-O-glucoside(PtG)than ‘Muscat Blanc’and‘Pinot Blanc’. These results suggested that the red-skinned‘Muscat Rouge’phenotype is the re-mutation of VvmybA1a alleleto VvmybA1b gene.
In order to analyze the signal effect of H2O2 on seasonal dormancy release of Japanese apricot induced by exogenous GA4,the buds of Japanese apricot and transgenic poplar with PmRGL2 gene were taken as the plant materials to investigate the content of H2O2,activities of antioxidant enzymes and gene transcriptional expression related to antioxidant enzymes and signal transduction. The results showed that the sprout rate of flower buds of Japanese apricot treated by GA4 was significant higher than that of the control and the content of H2O2 accompanied with the expression of signal transduction related genes and reached to a peak at the time of dormancy release. The chilling requirement of‘Taoxingmei’and ‘Bungo’Japanese apricots are 574 CH(Chilling hours)and 1 108 CH,respectively. The content of H2O2 in leaf buds did not have significant difference in both cultivars before and after dormancy release,while the activities of antioxidant enzymes were higher in the former one. The down-regulation expression of NADPHoxi and up-regulation of expression of the antioxidant enzymes related genes contributed to maintain the content of H2O2 in transgenic poplar with a low level,which could affect the genes expression associated with gibberellin synthesis and signal transduction. Above all,we suggested that GA4 may regulate the genes expression encoding antioxidant enzymes to affect the content of H2O2 which acted as a signal molecular to lead to signal gene expression changes related to seasonal dormancy release in Japanese apricot.
In order to examine the cold resistance function of dehydrin gene EjDHN5 from loquat (Eriobotrya japonica),it was overexpressed in tobacco plants. Two lines with relatively higher transcripts levels of the target gene,L24 and L26 were chosen for function characterization. Both of wide type(WT)and transgenic lines(L24 and L26)were treated with 0,2,4 and 8 μmol · L-1 methyl viologen(MV). After being exposed to 0,2,4 and 8 μmol · L-1 MV under light,the survival rate of WT plants decreased to 73.6% and 56.9%,respectively,and the PSⅡ activity reduced dramatically,while the transgenic lines still remained a survival rate of 100% as well as a much higher PSⅡ activity. MV treatment in leaf discs from 6-leaf-stage tobaccos confirmed that transgenic lines maintained higher chlorophyll content,accumulated less reactive oxygen species(ROS)and MDA. Moreover,compared to the WT plants,the EjDHN5- overexpressing plants exhibited a better growth status,had less ROS and suffered lighter membrane damage in leaves after cold stress. In summary,these results indicated that overexpressing EjDHN5 improved oxidative and cold tolerance in tobacco. It also provides evidence that dehydrins contribute to cold tolerance in loquat,which may be partly ascribed to its oxidative stress defense in plant.
Harvested kiwifruit(Actinidia chinensis‘Huayou’)were dipped in 5 mmol · L-1 oxalic acid(OA)solution for 10 min at room temperature then stored at(0 ± 0.5)℃(90%–95% RH)for 90 days. The results indicated thatpre-storage application of OA marked lyalleviated chilling injury development and membrane damage,maintained higher firmness and titratable acidlevel. Moreover,OA significantly increased activities of antioxidant enzymes including superoxide dismutase(SOD)and catalase(CAT);maintained higher contents of ascorbic acid(AsA)and glutathione(GSH);decreased levels of superoxide anion production rate and hydrogen peroxide(H2O2)content;and kept higher ATP level and energy charge in the fruits during cold storage. These results suggested that pre-storage application of OA contributed to maintaining fruit quality and improving chilling tolerance in the fruits might attribute to enhanced antioxidant capacity and maintained higher levels of ATP and energy status.
Based on whole-genome resequencing data,a high resolution genetic map was developed by using a set of backcross inbred lines(BILs)crossed by a wild species‘Songzi’with a cultivar‘Amsterdam’,and used to map QTLs for main carotenoids in carrot root. Finally,the genetic map was consisted of 1 976 Bins which contained 29 435 SNPs. The total genetic distance of map was 834.28 cM with an average interval of 0.42 cM between Bin markers. There were 2,2,3,2,2 and 2 main-effect QTLs (M-QTLs)associated with α-carotene,β-carotene,ζ-carotene,lutein,zeaxanthin and total carotenoid contents,respectively,with 11.47%–19.18% phenotypic variance. There were 1,1,2,1 and 1 epistatic QTLs contributed to α-carotene,β-carotene,ζ-carotene,zeaxanthin and total carotenoid contents,respectively,with 2.50%–3.66% phenotypic variance. A total of 36 predicted genes with function annotations were detected in M-QTLs. Among these,gene Dck018297 was ζ-carotene desaturase and associated with β-carotene biosynthesis and total carotenoid contents;gene Dck008006 homologouse to ERF2.2 was associated with α-carotene and zeaxanthin biosynthesis;gene Dck029898 homologouse to bHLH135 was associated with ζ-carotene biosynthesis. These three candidate genes might play central roles in the carotenoid biosynthesis in carrot root.
To value the effect of grafting on Fusarium solani and Ralstonia solanacearum and effect of root exudates on disease incidence and yield,we anlysized the chemical element of pepper root exudates by Gas Chromatography–Mass Spectrometer(GC–MS),the results indicated remarkable differences of root exudates component among the rootstocks,grafted and own-root pepper. Compared to own-root pepper,the root exudates in grafted pepper and stock could inhibit the growth of pathogens like Fusarium solani and Ralstonia solanacearum. This indicates that the variation of root exudates component in grafted plants which prevented germs growth and reproduction,therefore increased the disease resistance. Based on the GC–MS results,it is supposed that the prevention may be related to 1,2-benzenedicarboxylic acid,diisooctyl ester and dibenzofuran. Further clarified the grafting capsicum can reduce the occurrence of soil-borne disease and continuous cropping obstacle. The function identification proves that 1,2-benzenedicarboxylic acid,diisooctyl ester and dibenzofuran do decrease the disease incidence of pepper and increase the yields by 31.7% and 38.3% respectively compared to the control. The optimum concentration of 1,2-benzenedicarboxylic acid,diisooctyl ester and dibenzofuran for the foliar-spraying is 0.2 mL · L-1 and 0.1 g · L-1.
Watermelon(Citrullus vulgaris Schrad.)seeds of two diploid varieties,Wanza 1 and Fengshou 2,were pre-dried at different levels of silica gel and then stored for 23 years under room temperature and hermetic conditions. The best storage treatments had 96% and 91% germination percentage for Wanza 1 and Fengshou 2 varieties when the seed water content was adjusted at 2.32% and 2.23% respectively. The germination-ability of the seed was negatively correlated with the seed water content during storage period. Positive correlations were found between both POD activity and sucrose content with the germination percentage,but SOD activity showed a negative correlation with the germination percentage. In addition,the viability of Wanza 1 of each treatment were compared after 9,15,20 and 23 years of storage. For the seed with water content of 5.22% or higher,the germination percentage declined quickly. However,seed water content with range of 1.65% and 4.12%,the germination percentage were well retained after 20–23 years of storage. These results suggest that diploid watermelon seeds can retain high viability under ultra-dry condition in the long term storage.
The full-length cDNA sequence of the phytoene desaturase gene(PDS)of Petunia hybrida was isolated by using 3′ RACE and 5′ RACE. Subsequently,the genomic sequence of the PhPDS coding region was obtained by PCR amplification using primers designed according to its cDNA sequence. Sequence analysis indicated that the full-length cDNA of PhPDS was 2 182 bp in length,containing a coding sequence(CDS)of 1 746 bp coding for a putative protein of 582 amino acids. The putative PhPDS protein is characterized by the two conserved domains of the carotenoids dehydrogenase family. The genomic sequence of PhPDS coding region was 7 609 bp,including 14 exons and 13 introns. This structure is similar to that of tomato and Arabidopsis PDS genes. Two shRNAs targeted to PhPDS were designed using the TRC shRNA design process from Broad Institute,and plant expression vectors(pGSH-pds1 and pGSH-pds2)were constructed using conventional molecular cloning technique. Albino callus and shoots were produced from pGSH-pds1 transformants after Agrobacterium tumefaciens- mediated transformation of petunia leaf discs. RT-PCR analysis showed that the accumulation of PDS mRNA in albino shoots was reduced clearly,which indicating that shRNA technique is applicable to petunia. CHS(chalcone synthase)is conventionally employed to evaluate gene silencing methods in petunia. However,phenotype caused by the disruption of PDS function can be discerned earlier than that of CHS. Cloning of petunia PDS will facilitate its applicationin gene silencing research.
Viola philippica is a typical dimorphic cleistogamous species with the chasmogamous- cleistogamous mixed breeding system. No visible morphological difference were found between chasmogamous and cleistogamous flower development before 4 rounds floral organs primordium formation. The development stage of significant difference appeared at the stage of the sporogenous cell after floral organs primordium occurred. During late developmental stage of flower buds,5 petals and 5 stamens were all continue growing,and each anther had 4 locules in chasmogamous flower. But only 2 stamens continued development,other stamens and all petals still stayed the primordium state,and each anther had 2 locules in cleistogamous flower. The content of soluble sugars and starch in the floral buds was on the up trend with the development of flower in chasmogamous and cleistogamous plants from the second stage to the fifth stage. The content of either soluble sugars or starch in chasmogamous flowers was all higher than the cleistogamous flowers in corresponding development stage. But the content of soluble sugars and starch in the leaf of chasmogamous plants were less than the leaves of cleistogamous plants. The results showed that the investment of energy in chasmogamous flowers was higher than the cleistogamous flowers. We suspected there were some correlation between the content of soluble sugars and starch and the dimorphic flower development.
Using 2 red flesh apple strains‘Hongxin 7’and‘Hongxin 9’as experimental materials,we investigated volatile components,firmness,cell wall-modifying enzyme activities and gene expression related to aroma and firmness. The results showed that during fruit storage,the firmness in‘Hongxin 9’was significantly lower than in‘Hongxin 7’while the ethylene production rate in‘Hongxin 9’was significantly higher than in‘Hongxin 7’. The contents of ester and total aroma as well as the expression of AAT1,AAT2,LOX in‘Hongxin 9’were significantly higher than in‘Hongxin 7’during fruit storage,however,in the later period of storage(90–120 d),the contents of alcohols and aldehydes and the expression of HPL and ADH in‘Hongxin 9’were significantly lower than in‘Hongxin 7’. The cell wall-modifying enzyme activities and related-gene expression of PG,XET,PME,AM,α-L-Af and β-Gal in‘Hongxin 9’were significantly higher than in‘Hongxin 7’during fruit storage. All results indicated that the main reason causing the firmness in‘Hongxin 9’was lower than in‘Hongxin 7’during fruit storage was of a high level in the ethylene production rate and ester content and the up-regulated expression of ester biosynthesis related genes and cell wall related genes. Meanwhile,the change,types,content of aroma compounds can be used as one of the evaluation indicators of fruit quality during storage.
The Mal d 1 gene,which might be involved in the Alternaria blotch resistance in apple,was amplified and sequenced using the total RNA of apple leaves as template. Sequence analyses showed that it was 480 bp in length,contained two exons,and was characterized by bet v 1-like domain. The expressions of Mal d 1 were detected,but varied in apple leaves,flowers,fruit peels and pulps based on qRT-PCR analyses. Along with the development of fruits,it expression in fruit peels was increased first and then decreased. In the inoculated leaves with Alternaria alternata,Mal d 1 was significantly upregulated compared to the control counterpart,indicating is potential role in the resistance against Alternaria blotch. Furthermore,overexpression of Mal d 1 in transgenic callus,which was obtained using PRI101-AN as the expression vector by Agrobacterium-mediated transformation method,could greatly enhance the resistance to Alternaria blotch.
Self-incompatibility is an effective way to avoid inbreeding depression and promote out-crossing in flowering plants. Armadillo Repeat Containing protein 1(ARC1),the downstream factor in SI pathway,can specifically mediated SI pathway. In Brassica oleracea var. acephala,we constructed the full protein(1–663 aa,BoARC1-F),NUD domain(1–279 aa,BoARC1-N)and ARM domain(361–663 aa,BoARC1-C)prokaryotic expression plasmids. SDS-PAGE results showed that the BoARC1-F(68 kD),BoARC1-N(33 kD)and BoARC1-C(38 kD)could be induced by IPTG and purified by affinity chromatography using Ni2+-NTA resin. We prepared the monoclonal antibodies against BoARC1-C through immune mouse and cell fusion technology. Cross reaction analysis showed that the monoclonal antibodies could specific react with BoARC1. The expression level of BoARC1 in various tissue and different developmental stigmas were detected. Western blot results revealed BoARC1 mainly expressed in stigma and its expression level reached the maximum at opening flower.
Association analysis is a procedure for detecting QTLs as well as their alleles based on linkage disequilibrium. The genotyping data of 16 SSR and 10 SCoT markers on 99 Chrysanthemum morifolium cultivars were used to detect associations with 10 phenotypic traits by using GLM and MLM methods. The Shannon’s index of the population ranged from 1.46–2.52. Genetic structure analysis showed that the selected cultivars were composed of 5 subpopulations. There were 8 SSR loci associated with 7 phenotypic characters(P < 0.01),among which 3 traits of propagative organ(inflorescence diameter,inflorescence height,ligulate flower width)were associated with 5 loci,while 4 traits of vegetation organ(petiole length,leaf blade length,stipule size,lamina magnitude)were associated with 4 loci by using GLM models. The ratio of explanation on the phenotype of individual locus ranged from 0.06–0.40. Inflorescence diameter was significantly associated with three SCoT loci by using GLM models. Four phenotypic characters were associated with 3 SSR loci based on MLM models. These markers(JH42,JH81 and JH86)detected by MLM method can be found according to GLM method similarly. Howerver,the ratio of explanation obtained by MLM method was slightly lower than by GLM method.
Pollen morphology and secondary metabolites of flower of long style type(LST)and short style type(SST)of Forsythia suspense were investigated in this study. Pollen grains were observed using scanning electron microscope;Six components in flower were determined using HPLC;Total phenol content in flower was determined using Folin–Ciocalteu reagent assay. The results showed that the pollen grains were prolate spheroid,subsphaeroidal,and spindle in shape,sub-rounded or 3-lobed-round type in polar view,3-colpate type,sexine ornamentation were reticulate. The influence of growing environment on the size of pollen grains was not significant. The length of polar axis and equator axis of pollen grains of SST was significantly higher(P < 0.05)than that of LST. Content of chemical components in flower could be influenced by growing environment. The content of pinoresinol-β-D-glueoside in flower of LST was significantly higher(P < 0.05)than that of SST.
Chlorophyll content is an important index of characterization for plant growth. The traditional chlorophyll content determination methods mainly include spectrophotometry and chlorophyll meter method (SPAD-502). The spectrophotometric method can determine chlorophyll content accurately but time-consuming,laborious and damaged blades;the chlorophyll meter method acquire chlorophyll content rapidly but the measurement area is limited and repeatedly. Digital image processing technology emerges in response to the needs of times,which provides a scientific basis for diagnosis of the apple tree physiology. The apple leaves were collected from 60 new shoots prosperous long-term apple trees in Mengyin of Shandong Province,and on the same night,the image were taken using a digital camera. The chlorophyll contents were measured by the traditional chemical analysis in laboratory,including Chl.a,Chl.b,Chl.(a + b) and the SPAD value. There was a certain degree difference in the correlation analysis of chlorophyll content with color data,in order to increase the accuracy of chlorophyll content estimation for apple trees,the color parameters were combined based on the RGB values extracted from histogram in Photoshop CS6.0(Adobe System,Inc.). Then the correlation analysis method was used to select the sensitive color parameters(R,red;G,green;B,blue). Compared to the trichromatic color values,the combination of RGB values considerably improved the correlation coefficients. Among the color parameters,B,B/R,G,B/G,G/(R + G + B),B/(R + G + B),(R–B)/(R + B),(G–B)/(G + B),(R–B)/(R + G + B)and(G–B)/(R + G + B)values were correlated significantly with chlorophyll content respectively. The correlation coefficients(R)of these essential color parameters were almost above 0.325,which suggested that leaf color parameters were significantly correlated with chlorophyll content(P = 0.01). According to the result of systematic analysis and diagnosis,the univariate regression model and support vector machine(SVM)regression model method acts as a non-parametric regression technique,which analyzes the fitting the degree of relationship between predicted values and measured values using the determination coefficient(R2),root mean square error(RMSE)and relative error(RE). In the univariate regression model,the fitting coefficients of the chlorophyll content based on the G/(R + G + B)color parameter achieved the highest R2 = 0.736,as Chl.(a + b) > Chl.b > Chl.a > SPAD;the R2 of other color parameters differed from 0.482 to 0.742,the improvement of the univariate regression model stability were needed. The SVM model has the advantage of minimized parameter setting and model structure risk. The effect of the SVM model was good for the estimation of chlorophyll content of apple trees,including the fitting coefficients(R2)between estimated and measured value were 0.8754,0.8374,0.8671 and 0.8129,respectively,RMSE were 0.0194,0.0350,0.0497 and 0.9281,respectively,RE were 0.8059%,1.7540%,1.1224% and 0.8059%,respectively,which demonstrated that the SVM estimation had a higher accuracy. By the verification analysis,the SVM based on sensitive color parameters for Chl.a had the best estimation,including R2 = 0.8275,RMSE = 0.0293 and RE = 1.8529%. The conclusion were drawn that application of digital cameras based on RGB color model can estimate apple leaf chlorophyll content rapidly. The potential of the imaging system with apple leaves has been discussed in the article. The results can provide the technical support for precise management of orchard.
In this study,a rapid method has been developed for the determination of germicide EBDCs residues in fruits. The EBDCs of fruits sample,which was methylated by methyl iodide(CH3I),was extracted by the Quick,Easy,Cheap,Effective,Rugged and Safe method(QuEChERS)and detected by ultra performance liquid chromatography–mass spectrometry under multiple reaction monitoring mode,then quantified by matrix-match standard solution. The qualitative results were obtained based on the characteristic m/z 241.1/117.1 ion and m/z 241.1/193.0 ion. The quantitation results were on the intension of the characteristic m/z 241.1/134.0 ion. The results show that the derivative of Maneb,Zineb,Mancozeb,Disodium and Metiram have different matrix effect in different fruits and good linearity in the ranges of 0.005–1.000 mg · kg-1(in CS2),and the correlation are between 0.9948 and 0.9996. The recoveries for apple,peach,grape,citrus and banana samples at the different fortified levels ranged from 82.6% to 98.8% with relative standard deviations(RSD)of 0.7%–8.8%. Limits of detection of EBDCs were 0.6–1.0 µg · kg-1(in CS2),while limits of quantification were 10 µg · kg-1(in CS2). The method is simple,rapid,and accurate,and can meet the requirements of the domestic and international legislation.
The new Chinese chestnut cultivar‘Yanqiu’was selected from chestnut seedling in Qinglong City,Hebei Province. This cultivar has characteristics of heavy cutting-in pruning resistant;high yield,and superior quality. The nuts mature in early September. The nut average weight is 8.3 g,the size of nut is uniform,with shining reddish brown pericarp. The density of pubescence is sparse. The hilum size is intermediate. The pulp is milk yellow. The nuts are perfect for stir-fry purpose,with a delicate texture,tasting waxy and sweet. The yield of this cultivar is 8.1 kg per tree,equivalent to 4 028.3 kg · hm-2. The new cultivar is appropriate to be cultured in mountains and hills of Yanshan region.‘Yanshan Zaofeng’,‘Yanlong’and‘Yankui’are the appropriate pollination cultivars.
‘Sujiao 24’is an early-maturing sweet pepper F1 hybrid developed by crossing 2012X40 with 2012X24. Its fruit is lantern shaped,9.6 cm in length,7.1 cm in width,122.6 g in weight,and the vitamin C content of fresh fruits is 1.23 mg · g-1. The marketable yield is about 36.0 t · hm-2 in the open field cultivation in Heilongjiang,He’nan,Jiangsu,Guangdong,etc.
‘Duotian 1’is a new tetraploid hybrid of melon. Its growth is vigorous with thicker cotyledon,bigger leaf area,and shorter internode than those of the common diploid plants. The plant set fruits on secondary and tertiary branches easily. The maturity period of fruit is 30–35 d. Its fruits are uniform in oval shape,big scar,and white rind. The white flesh is 2.5 cm thick,good quality with crisp texture,fragrant flavour,and 15.3% soluble solids content in centery. The average fruit weight is 0.47 kg. It yields about 42 t · hm-2. Its fruit is tolerance to storage and transportation. The cultivar is resistant to stem blight and downy mildew. It is suitable for planting in protected field.