Acta Horticulturae Sinica ›› 2024, Vol. 51 ›› Issue (6): 1413-1425.doi: 10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2023-0597
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ZHANG Wenjing, XU Dayong*(), WU Qianlin, YANG Fo, XIN Bingyue, ZENG Xin, LI Feng
XU Dayong
ZHANG Wenjing, XU Dayong, WU Qianlin, YANG Fo, XIN Bingyue, ZENG Xin, LI Feng. Genome Analysis of Bacillus velezensis XDY66,an Antagonist of Tomato Botrytis cinerea[J]. Acta Horticulturae Sinica, 2024, 51(6): 1413-1425.
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指标 Index | 特征 Characteristic | 指标 Index | 特征 Characteristic | 指标 Index | 特征 Characteristic |
丙三醇 Glycerol | + | 山梨醇 Sorbitol | + | L-岩藻糖 L-fucose | ‒ |
柠檬酸盐 Citrate | ‒ | 苦杏仁苷 Amygdalin | ‒ | D-阿拉伯醇 D-arabinitol | ‒ |
赤藻糖醇 Erythritol | ‒ | 熊果苷 Arbutin | ‒ | L-阿拉伯醇 L-arabinitol | ‒ |
D-阿拉伯糖 D-arabinose | ‒ | 纤维二糖 Cellobiose | ‒ | D-麦芽糖 D-maltose | + |
L-阿拉伯糖 L-arabinose | + | D-乳糖 D-lactose | + | 产铁载体 Ironophore | + |
D-核糖 D-ribose | + | D-蜜二糖 D-melibiose | + | 石蕊牛奶 Litmus milk | ‒ |
D-木糖 D-xylose | ‒ | 水杨苷 D-salicin | ‒ | 尿素酶 Urase | ‒ |
L-木糖 L-xylose | ‒ | D-蔗糖 D-saccharose | + | 硫化氢 H2S | ‒ |
D-核糖醇 D-ribitol | ‒ | 菊粉 Inulin | + | 革兰氏染色 Gram staining | + |
D-半乳糖 D-galactose | ‒ | D-松三糖 D-melezitose | + | 明胶水解 Gelatin hydrolysis | |
D-葡萄糖 D-glucose | + | D-棉子糖 D-raffinose | + | D-海藻糖 D-trehalose dihydrate | + |
D-果糖 D-fructose | + | 淀粉 Amylum | + | 肌醇 Inositol | + |
D-甘露糖 D-mannose | + | 糖原 Glycogen | ‒ | D-甘露醇 D-mannitol | + |
L-山梨糖 L-sorbose | ‒ | 木糖醇 Xylitol | ‒ | D-塔格糖 D-(-)-tagatose | + |
L-鼠李糖 L-rhamnose | ‒ | D-土伦糖 D-toulon sugar | ‒ | D-岩藻糖 D-fucose | + |
甲基-β-D-吡喃木糖苷 Methyl-β-D-xylopyranoside | ‒ | 甲基-α-D-吡喃甘露糖苷 Methyl-α-D-mannopyranoside | ‒ | 甲基-α-D-吡喃葡萄糖苷 Methyl-α-D-glucopyranoside | + |
N-乙酰葡萄糖胺 N-acetyl glucosamine | ‒ | 七叶灵柠檬酸铁 Esculin/ferric citrate | + | 5-酮基葡萄糖酸钾 5-Ketogluconate | ‒ |
D-龙胆二糖 D-gentiobiose | ‒ | 葡萄糖酸钾 Potassium gluconate | ‒ | 2-酮基葡萄糖酸钾 2-Ketogluconate | ‒ |
卫矛醇 Dulcitpl | ‒ | D-来苏糖 D-(-)-lyxose | ‒ |
Table 1 Physiological and biochemical results of strain XDY66
指标 Index | 特征 Characteristic | 指标 Index | 特征 Characteristic | 指标 Index | 特征 Characteristic |
丙三醇 Glycerol | + | 山梨醇 Sorbitol | + | L-岩藻糖 L-fucose | ‒ |
柠檬酸盐 Citrate | ‒ | 苦杏仁苷 Amygdalin | ‒ | D-阿拉伯醇 D-arabinitol | ‒ |
赤藻糖醇 Erythritol | ‒ | 熊果苷 Arbutin | ‒ | L-阿拉伯醇 L-arabinitol | ‒ |
D-阿拉伯糖 D-arabinose | ‒ | 纤维二糖 Cellobiose | ‒ | D-麦芽糖 D-maltose | + |
L-阿拉伯糖 L-arabinose | + | D-乳糖 D-lactose | + | 产铁载体 Ironophore | + |
D-核糖 D-ribose | + | D-蜜二糖 D-melibiose | + | 石蕊牛奶 Litmus milk | ‒ |
D-木糖 D-xylose | ‒ | 水杨苷 D-salicin | ‒ | 尿素酶 Urase | ‒ |
L-木糖 L-xylose | ‒ | D-蔗糖 D-saccharose | + | 硫化氢 H2S | ‒ |
D-核糖醇 D-ribitol | ‒ | 菊粉 Inulin | + | 革兰氏染色 Gram staining | + |
D-半乳糖 D-galactose | ‒ | D-松三糖 D-melezitose | + | 明胶水解 Gelatin hydrolysis | |
D-葡萄糖 D-glucose | + | D-棉子糖 D-raffinose | + | D-海藻糖 D-trehalose dihydrate | + |
D-果糖 D-fructose | + | 淀粉 Amylum | + | 肌醇 Inositol | + |
D-甘露糖 D-mannose | + | 糖原 Glycogen | ‒ | D-甘露醇 D-mannitol | + |
L-山梨糖 L-sorbose | ‒ | 木糖醇 Xylitol | ‒ | D-塔格糖 D-(-)-tagatose | + |
L-鼠李糖 L-rhamnose | ‒ | D-土伦糖 D-toulon sugar | ‒ | D-岩藻糖 D-fucose | + |
甲基-β-D-吡喃木糖苷 Methyl-β-D-xylopyranoside | ‒ | 甲基-α-D-吡喃甘露糖苷 Methyl-α-D-mannopyranoside | ‒ | 甲基-α-D-吡喃葡萄糖苷 Methyl-α-D-glucopyranoside | + |
N-乙酰葡萄糖胺 N-acetyl glucosamine | ‒ | 七叶灵柠檬酸铁 Esculin/ferric citrate | + | 5-酮基葡萄糖酸钾 5-Ketogluconate | ‒ |
D-龙胆二糖 D-gentiobiose | ‒ | 葡萄糖酸钾 Potassium gluconate | ‒ | 2-酮基葡萄糖酸钾 2-Ketogluconate | ‒ |
卫矛醇 Dulcitpl | ‒ | D-来苏糖 D-(-)-lyxose | ‒ |
Fig. 6 Circular genome map of Bacillus velezensis XDY66 The first and fourth circles from the outside to the inside are CDS on the positive and negative chains,and different colors represent different COG functional classifications;The second and third circles are CDS,tRNA and rRNA on the positive and negative chains,respectively. The fifth circle is the GC content. The outward or inward direction indicates that the GC content in this region is higher or lower than the average content of the whole genome,and the higher the peak value indicates the greater the difference from the average content. The sixth circle is the GC-Skew value,and the specific algorithm is G-C/G+C,which can assist in judging the leading chain and the lagging chain.
贝莱斯芽孢杆菌 Bacillus velezensis | 基因组大小/Mb Genome size | rRNA基因 rRNA gene | 16S rRNA基因 16S rRNA gene | 23S rRNA基因 23S rRNA gene | 5S rRNA基因 5S rRNA gene | tRNA 基因 tRNA gene | 蛋白质编码序列(CDS)Protein coding sequences (CDS) |
XDY66 | 3.96 | 27 | 9 | 9 | 9 | 86 | 3 798 |
FZB42 | 4.19 | 27 | 9 | 9 | 9 | 87 | 4 452 |
SQR9 | 4.12 | 21 | 7 | 7 | 7 | 72 | 4 225 |
Table 2 General genomes features of Bacillus velezensis XDY66,FZB42 and SQR9
贝莱斯芽孢杆菌 Bacillus velezensis | 基因组大小/Mb Genome size | rRNA基因 rRNA gene | 16S rRNA基因 16S rRNA gene | 23S rRNA基因 23S rRNA gene | 5S rRNA基因 5S rRNA gene | tRNA 基因 tRNA gene | 蛋白质编码序列(CDS)Protein coding sequences (CDS) |
XDY66 | 3.96 | 27 | 9 | 9 | 9 | 86 | 3 798 |
FZB42 | 4.19 | 27 | 9 | 9 | 9 | 87 | 4 452 |
SQR9 | 4.12 | 21 | 7 | 7 | 7 | 72 | 4 225 |
Fig. 8 Genome comparison of Bacillus velezensis XDY66 with B. velezensis FZB42 and B. velezensis SQR9 Boxes with the same color are represented the syntenic regions,rearrangements are shown by colored lines.
类型 Type | 位置/nt Site | 已知的最相似簇 Most similar known cluster | 相似度/% Similarity |
非核糖体多肽 NRPS | 305 142 ~ 369 949 | 表面活性素 Surfactin | 82 |
非核糖体多肽,细菌反式酰基转移酶聚酮, β-内酯NRPS,transAT-PKS,β-lactone | 1 853 147 ~ 1 989 185 | 芬芥素 Fengycin | 100 |
非核糖体肽金属载体,非核糖体多肽,核糖体合成翻译后修饰肽 NRP-metallophore,NRPS,RiPP-like | 3 030 693 ~ 3 082 486 | 杆菌素 Bacillibactin | 100 |
反式酰基转移酶聚酮 transAT-PKS | 1 375 368 ~ 1 461 720 | 大环内酰亚胺H Macrolactin H | 100 |
反式酰基转移酶聚酮,Ⅲ型聚酮化合物,非核糖体多肽 transAT-PKS,T3PKS,NRPS | 1 685 218 ~ 1 785 941 | 芽孢杆菌烯 Bacillaene | 100 |
反式酰基转移酶聚酮 transAT-PKS | 2 314 107 ~ 2 407 886 | 达菲菌素 Difficidin | 100 |
其他 Other | 3 598 843 ~ 3 640 261 | 溶杆菌素 Bacilysin | 100 |
含硫环状多肽,偶氮唑肽 Thiopeptide,LAP | 583 059 ~ 612 175 | 基雅尼霉素 Kijanimicin | 4 |
聚酮相关 PKS-like | 918 969 ~ 960 213 | 布替罗星A/布替罗星B Butirosin A/butirosin B | 7 |
萜烯 Terpene | 1 045 092 ~ 1 062 425 | ||
萜烯 Terpene | 2 012 746 ~ 2 034 629 | ||
Ⅱ类羊毛硫肽 Lanthipeptide-class-ii | 1 182 592 ~ 1 211 481 | ||
Ⅲ型聚酮化合物T3PKS | 2 103 261 ~ 2 144 361 |
Table 3 AntiSMASH analysis of secondary metabolite gene clusters of Bacillus velezensis XDY66
类型 Type | 位置/nt Site | 已知的最相似簇 Most similar known cluster | 相似度/% Similarity |
非核糖体多肽 NRPS | 305 142 ~ 369 949 | 表面活性素 Surfactin | 82 |
非核糖体多肽,细菌反式酰基转移酶聚酮, β-内酯NRPS,transAT-PKS,β-lactone | 1 853 147 ~ 1 989 185 | 芬芥素 Fengycin | 100 |
非核糖体肽金属载体,非核糖体多肽,核糖体合成翻译后修饰肽 NRP-metallophore,NRPS,RiPP-like | 3 030 693 ~ 3 082 486 | 杆菌素 Bacillibactin | 100 |
反式酰基转移酶聚酮 transAT-PKS | 1 375 368 ~ 1 461 720 | 大环内酰亚胺H Macrolactin H | 100 |
反式酰基转移酶聚酮,Ⅲ型聚酮化合物,非核糖体多肽 transAT-PKS,T3PKS,NRPS | 1 685 218 ~ 1 785 941 | 芽孢杆菌烯 Bacillaene | 100 |
反式酰基转移酶聚酮 transAT-PKS | 2 314 107 ~ 2 407 886 | 达菲菌素 Difficidin | 100 |
其他 Other | 3 598 843 ~ 3 640 261 | 溶杆菌素 Bacilysin | 100 |
含硫环状多肽,偶氮唑肽 Thiopeptide,LAP | 583 059 ~ 612 175 | 基雅尼霉素 Kijanimicin | 4 |
聚酮相关 PKS-like | 918 969 ~ 960 213 | 布替罗星A/布替罗星B Butirosin A/butirosin B | 7 |
萜烯 Terpene | 1 045 092 ~ 1 062 425 | ||
萜烯 Terpene | 2 012 746 ~ 2 034 629 | ||
Ⅱ类羊毛硫肽 Lanthipeptide-class-ii | 1 182 592 ~ 1 211 481 | ||
Ⅲ型聚酮化合物T3PKS | 2 103 261 ~ 2 144 361 |
Fig. 10 Collinearity analysis of secondary metabolite gene clusters of Bacillus velezensis XDY66,FZB42 and SQR9 Colinear regions are connected by black lines 1-14 are the corresponding secondary metabolite gene clusters. 1:Surfactin;2:LAP;3:Polyketide Synthase-Like;4:Terpene;5:Lanthipeptide-class-ii;6:Macrolactin H;7:Bacillaene;8:Fengycin;9:Terpene;10:Type III Polyketide Synthases;11:Difficidin;12:Bacillibactin;13:Bacilysin;14:Terpene.
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