Acta Horticulturae Sinica ›› 2024, Vol. 51 ›› Issue (8): 1913-1926.doi: 10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2023-0306
• Plant Protection • Previous Articles Next Articles
GONG Xiaoya, LI Xian, ZHOU Xingang*(), WU Fengzhi*(
ZHOU Xingang, WU Fengzhi
GONG Xiaoya, LI Xian, ZHOU Xingang, WU Fengzhi. Effect of Rhizosphere Microorganisms Induced by Potato-Onion on Tomato Root-Knot Nematode Disease[J]. Acta Horticulturae Sinica, 2024, 51(8): 1913-1926.
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基因 Gene | 上游引物(5′-3′) Upstream primer | 下游引物(5′-3′) Downstream primer |
Table 1 Genes and primers sequence used in qRT-PCR analysis
基因 Gene | 上游引物(5′-3′) Upstream primer | 下游引物(5′-3′) Downstream primer |
Fig. 1 The schematic diagram of rhizosphere microflora transplantation experiment and the occurrence of tomato root-knot nematode disease Different letters are significantly different at 0.05 level. The same below.
Fig. 2 The effect of suspension of rhizosphere soil of tomato companion cropping with potato-onion on the hatching rate of RKN eggs and toxicity of RKNs
Fig. 3 Bacterial communities in monoculture and potato-onion companion with tomato rhizosphere soils inoculated root-knot nematode A:The α-diversity;B:PCoA analysis of β-diversity;C:The histogram of bacterial phylum;D:The top 30 bacterial showed significant differences.
Fig. 4 Difference of bacterial community composition in rhizosphere of tomato inoculated with root-knot nematodes A:Volcano plot showing OTUs enriched or depleted in the companion tomato was inoculated with root-knot nematode. B:The Manhattan plot shows the taxonomic information of OTUs enriched in the companion tomato was inoculated with root-knot nematode. * represents a significant difference at the P < 0.05 level,** represents a significant difference at the P < 0.01 level.
Fig. 5 Fungal communities in monoculture and potato-onion companion with tomato rhizosphere soils inoculated root-knot nematode A:The α-diversity;B:The β-diversity;C:Histogram of phylum fungi;D:The top 30 fungi showed significant differences.
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