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2008, Vol.35, No.1 Previous Issue    Next Issue


  • Effects of Hypoxia on the Root Activity, Respiratory Rate and the Activities of Enzymes Involved in Ntrigen Metabolism in Roots of Malus hupehensis Rehd.
  • SHENG Li-xia and SHU Huai-rui
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2008, 35(1): 7-12.
  • Abstract ( 1932 ) HTML ( 1282 ) PDF (425KB) ( 1282 )    
  • The method of controlling dissolved oxygen concentration in nutrient solution was used. Effects of hypoxia on biomass of plant and root activity, respiratory rate, the activities of enzymes involved in nitrogen metabolism in the Malus hupehensis Rehd. seedling root system was studied. Results showed that the growth of seedling was inhibited and it was more serious as dissolved oxygen concentration of nutrient solution decreased under hypoxia; The respiratory rate of root system was more inhibited with decreasing dissolved oxygen concentration of nutrient solution first. But the inhibitory effect was decreased over the treatment time. The root activity was increased rapidly and then descended quickly; the activity of nitrate reductase (NR) and glutamine synthethase (GS) was improved under hypoxia. The activity of glutamate dehydrogenase (NADH-GDH) was inhibited first and then was promoted. The hypoxia was reduced probably by improving respiration consumption and changing the metabolic pathway.
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  • Self-compatible Pear Cultivar 'Yan Zhuang' Resulting from S-RNase Mutation of 'Ya Li' (Pyrus bretschneideri Rehd.)
  • LI Xiao-fang;LI Mao-fu;HAN Zhen-hai;XU Xue-feng;and LI Tian-zhong﹡
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2008, 35(1): 13-18.
  • Abstract ( 2452 ) HTML ( 1456 ) PDF (568KB) ( 1456 )    
  • Self-compatible pear cultivar 'Yan Zhuang' (Pyrus bretschneideri Rehd.) is recorded as bud mutant of self-imcompatible 'Ya Li'. The possible mutation was explored. Self-pollination experiments proves that 'Ya Li' is self-imcompatible (fruit set ratio of flowers 9.1%, no fertile seed) and 'Yan Zhuang' is self-compatible (fruit set ratio of flowers 56.9%, No. of seeds per fruit 8.64). Cross-pollination results suggested that the mutated gene is expressed in stylar of 'Yan Zhuang'. S-RNase gene has been reported as the key gene in style controlling self-incompatible mechanism. PCR with S-RNase gene sequence specific primers showed that the genotype of 'Ya Li' is S21S34, S21 exits in all the 'Yan Zhuang' progenies by self-crossing. It seems that mutation of S21-RNase gene results in the self-compatible phenotype of 'Yan Zhuang'. Western blot result showed that one of the two S-RNase brands in 'Yan Zhuang' disappeared in 'Ya Li'. So 'Yan Zhuang' pear probably results from S-RNase mutation of 'Ya Li'
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  • Studies on Adventitious Shoots Regeneration and Transformation System of Grape in Vitro
  • JIN Wan-mei;DONG Jing;YAN Ai-ling;WANG Yi;CHEN Mei-xiang;HAN Zhen-hai
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2008, 35(1): 27-32.
  • Abstract ( 2740 ) HTML ( 1563 ) PDF (738KB) ( 1563 )    
  • Establishing an efficient regeneration and transformation system is a fundamental role to the transgenic study. For Centennial Seedless, the effects of growth regulators, explants and ablastin to the generation of adventitious shoots were studied, based on which the optimal condition for regeneration and transformation was determined. Our experiments showed that, when being used alone or accompanied with auxins, the cytokinin TDZ is always better than BA and KT in inducing adventitious shoots. The adventitious shoots of Centennial Seedless could be efficiently induced in the media of MS + TDZ 2.0 mg·L-1, MS + TDZ 4.0 mg·L-1 or MS + TDZ 4.0 mg·L-1 + IAA0.1 mg·L-1and adventitious shoot regeneration rates were 37.4%,40.2% and 50.0%, respectively. For fixed medium, adventitious shoots can be generated with minor difference in efficiency from leaf disc, stem and petiole. When this regeneration system was used in genetic transformation mediated by Agrobaterium tumefaciens, the optimal concentration of screening resistance medium was 20 mg·L-1 for kanamycin, and for the control of agrobacterium growth, the best concentration was 400 mg·L-1 for cephaloridine or 300 mg·L-1 for carbencillin . Transformants were obtained 45. PCR and Southern blotting confirmed that foreign gene was integrated genome of grape.
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  • Effects of Grape Berry Nutrition on Postharvest Pathogenicity of Botrytis cinerea
  • XU Ling;ZHANG Lu-jun;FENG Lin-yan;and ZHANG Sheng-yu
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2008, 35(1): 33-38.
  • Abstract ( 2577 ) HTML ( 1487 ) PDF (501KB) ( 1487 )    
  • The postharvest grape berries (Vitis vinifera L. 'Kyoho') were used to investigate effects of the nutrition, pH and physiological condition of grape,and environmental temperature on the conidia development and the hypha growth of Botrytis cinerea. The results indicated that the nutrition and pH value of the grape extract were very suitable for the conidia germination and hypha growth of B.cinerea. Compared with other postharvest pathogens, such as Alternaria alternata, Fusarium sp., Cladosporium sp. and Trichotecium roseum, B.cinerea had significant growth predominance on the grape extract medium. The spores of B. cinerea germinated between 0~35 ℃ when incubated in the medium of grape juice at pH 3.46. The optimal germination temperature of spores was 15~24 ℃ and the germination rate of B. cinerea spores was 8.7% even cultured at 0 ℃ for 48 h. The germination rate at pH 4 was above 90% when cultured at 4 ℃ for 72 h and was higher than at pH 5-7. This suggests that the spore germination of B.cinerea need low pH at low temperature. The invasiveness of B. cinerea enhanced with the extension of storage. B. cinerea reduced the POD and chitinase activity of the host during the infection process. The results suggest that B.cinerea is more compatible with postharvest grape berries than A.alternata.

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  • Influence of Organic and Inorganic Nitrogen Supply on the Composition of Tomato Seedling Root Exudates, Xylem and Phloem Sap Grown in Hydroponic Culture
  • GE Ti-da;TANG Dong-mei;LU Bo;XIA Han -yan;SONG Shi-wei;and HUANG Dan-feng
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2008, 35(1): 39-46.
  • Abstract ( 3072 ) HTML ( 1887 ) PDF (536KB) ( 1887 )    
  • Utilization of organic nitrogen (N) is an important aspect of plant N assimilation and has potential application in sustainable agriculture. A comparative study on plant N uptake using nitrate, ammonium, glycine and CK (N free) was studied in two tomato cultivars (Shenfen 918 and Huying 932). After 8 days of growth with the different N forms, root dry weight followed the series: NO3--N > Gly-N > CK > NH4+-N while root volume followed the series Gly-N > NO3--N > NH4+-N > CK in both cultivars. Root enzyme activities was the highest in the NO3--N or Gly-N treatment followed by NH4+-N treatment with CK showing the lowest activities. The concentration of NO3- and phosphate was highest in the NO3--N treatment followed by Gly-N and NH4+-N with CK showing the lowest concentrations. Ammonium, free amino acid and soluble sugar content of phloem and xylem sap in the Gly-N and NH4+-N treatments were higher in both cultivars followed by NO3--N and CK treatment. Rhizosphere pH was elevated by the NO3--N and Gly-N treatment, but decreased in the NH4+-N treatment. Soluble protein content in root exudates followed the series: NO3--N> Gly-N > NH4+-N > CK; however, different patterns were observed in xylem and phloem sap (Gly-N >NO3--N > NH4+-N > CK). Root enzyme activities were significantly different (P < 0.05) between the two cultivars. Root enzyme activities varied in the two different tomato cultivars with activities being highest in Huying 932 in all four N treatments.

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  • Selection of SSR and RAPD Markers Related to Tomato Heat Tolerance
  • Xu Xiang-yang;Wang Dong-mei;Kang Li-gong;and Li Jing-fu
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2008, 35(1): 47-52.
  • Abstract ( 2774 ) HTML ( 1488 ) PDF (845KB) ( 1488 )    
  • A F2 population was derived from a cross between a heat sensitive line 01137 with a heat tolerance line CLN2001A of tomato. The colony was analyzed using SSR and RAPD techniques to select molecular markers related to tomato heat tolerance. One SSR marker and one RAPD marker were detected, and the genetic contribution rate of these markers for heat tolerance is 5.2% and 7.7% respectively. Two QTLs were mapped in linkage group 3 and linkage group 7. The SSR and RAPD techniques were used to evaluate the genetic diversity of 43 tomato germplasm materials about heat resistance and susceptibility. we use two markers(Tom59-60 and OPN02-600)which were significantly interrelated to the heat-tolerance of tomato to group the 43 tomato germplasm materials under two groups, the heat-tolerance and the heat-sensitive, and the veracity of grouping were 93.3% and 96.5% respectively.
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  • Molecular Markers Assisted Selection for Three QTLs Resistant to PVY in Pepper(Capsicum annuum L.)
  • WANG Li-hao;ZHANG Bao-xi;C. Caranta;MAO Sheng-li;and A. Palloix
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2008, 35(1): 53-58.
  • Abstract ( 2648 ) HTML ( 1197 ) PDF (713KB) ( 1197 )    
  • Markers assisted selection is still seldom used in pepper breeding in China, though many markers are reported recently. In order to obtain genotypes for researching of relationship of QTLs resistant to PVY, AFLP, CAPS, SCAR markers were used to assist selection of QTLs for resistance to PVY in BC2 and BC1S1 segregating progenies from pepper 'perennial' and 'Yolo Wonder'. With the markers, 47 plants with resistant allele in major QTL locus, then from which 25 plants with resistant allele in LG9 PY2, at last 11 plants with resistant allele in LG11 P10 were selected from the BC2 population. And 55 plants with homozygous resistant allele in LG9 PY2, and 12 plants with homozygous resistant allele in major QTL were selected from the BC1S1 population. X2 analysis showed that the segregating ratio in fact is not significantly different with that in theory.
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  • Genetic Analysis of Main Agronomy Traits of DH Population in Brassica oleracea var. capitata
  • MIAO Ti-yun;LIU Yu-mei;FANG Zhi-yuan;YANG Li-mei;ZHUANG Mu;ZHANG Yang-yong;YUAN Su-xia;and SUN Pei-tian
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2008, 35(1): 59-64.
  • Abstract ( 2215 ) HTML ( 1447 ) PDF (651KB) ( 1447 )    
  • The segregation analysis method of identifying mixed major genes and polygenes by using a doubled haploid (DH) population derived from F1 microspore culture of a cross between 624 and 24-5 was conducted to study the inheritance of 8 agronomy traits in cabbage. Except the plant spreading showed model of polygenes, the other of the inheritances of the 7 traits showed the models of two major genes plus polygenes. The largest petiole length had the highest heritability of major genes of 90.44%,the heritability of the largest leave width was 67.22%,basic stem length and core length had a lower heritability of major genes of 58.62% and 56%, head height had the lowest heritability of major genes of 20.30%,the next are the largest leave length and plant height of 23.32% and 31.74%.Head height had the highest heritability of polygenes of 49.80%.The influence of environment in trait of the plant spreading is best, the environmental variance is 81.35% of phenotypic variance. The influence of environment in trait of the petiole length is lest, the environmental variance is 9.56% of phenotypic variance.
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  • Obtaining Somatic Chimeras by in Vitro Meristem-apex Grafting-culture in Garlic(Allium sativum L.)
  • XU Qi-jiang;CHEN Qing-qi;and CHEN Dian
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2008, 35(1): 65-70.
  • Abstract ( 2275 ) HTML ( 1473 ) PDF (723KB) ( 1473 )    
  • An efficient chimera formation method by tissue culture combined with grafting was studied in garlic(Allium sativum L.). Garlic cultivars 'Acheng purple' garlic and Japanese 'Fukuchi' white garlic were used for intervarietal chimera formation. The stem discs were used as stock. The meristem-apexs of these cultivars bulb were used as scions. The Chimeric shoots were examined by RAPD(random amplified polymorphic DNA). The results showed that the optimized medium for shooting was MS + NAA 0.1 mg·L-1+ 2ip 0.4 mg·L-1, and that for rooting was 1/2 MS +IBA 1.5 mg·L-1. Chimeric shoots were obtained by grafted culture method on these media, resulting in 20 % formation. The result of RAPD-PCR using primer OPF-16 indicated that four grafting combination, i.e., white/purple, white·purple/purple, white·purple·/white, and purple/white, produced chimeras. The result of RAPD-PCR using primer OPJ-12 indicated that grafting combination of purple/white produced chimeras. Primer OPE-05 did not give a significant result.
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  • Karyotype Diversity of 17 Chrysanthemum Cultivars with Small Inflorescences
  • LI Chang;CHEN Fa-di;ZHAO Hong-bo;and CHEN Su-mei
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2008, 35(1): 71-80.
  • Abstract ( 1827 ) HTML ( 1302 ) PDF (1669KB) ( 1302 )    
  • Karyotype was studied via squash method in seventeen chrysanthemum cultivars with small inflorescences which differ in plant architecture and purpose. Karyotypic findings showed that all cultivars were mixoploid with chromosome number ranging from 49 to 57, and 54 was the most frequent number observed. In addition, diversity of chromosome morphology was observed. Metacentric, submetacentric and acrocentric chromosomes coexisted in most cultivars. The ratio of chromosome length, i.e., ratio of the length of the longest chromosome to that of the shortest one, varied from 1.62 to 2.39. The percentage of chromosome with arm ratio beyond 2 was between 11.11% and 29.62%. Asymmetry index (As.K%) ranged from 59.74% to 63.37%. The karyotypes of Dendranthema*grandiflorum 'Aoyunchengguang', 'Jinlingbaifeng'(2n=53) and three ground cover cultivars were characterized as "2B" type, whereas, those of the remaining cultivars were characterized as "2A" type. Karyotype diversity not solely resulted from the mutation of chromosome, recombination of chromosome also likely contributed to the diversity.
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  • AFLP Diversity in the Mycorrhizal Fungi of Cymbidium Plants
  • LI Lu-bin;HU Tao;YANG Kai;TANG Zheng;ZHUANG Cai-yun;LIU Zhen-jing;and PENG Zhen-hua
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2008, 35(1): 81-86.
  • Abstract ( 1952 ) HTML ( 1601 ) PDF (686KB) ( 1601 )    
  • Amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) was used to study diversity of 19 representative mycorrhizal Rhizoctonia strains, which isolated from 7 species Chinese orchids (Cymbidium) distributed in different sites and belonged to different ecologic types. A high degree of diversity was found among the mycorrhizal Rhizoctonia strains. 1 869 bands were got by using 12 pairs of AFLP primers, and among them 1 016 bands were polymorphism, the mean percentage of polymorphism was 54.4%, which indicated that AFLP was a greatly efficient method to study the diversity of mycorrhizae of Chinese orchids (Cymbidium). The AFLP results were analyzed for similarity among strains via unweighted pair-group means cluster analysis, Similarity among 19 mycorrhizal Rhizoctonia strains ranged from 0.61 to 0.89. Cluster analysis among the mycorrhizal strains showed 3 crucial factors, the distributed environments,orchids species and ecologic type of orchids, which affected the diversity of Chinese orchids (Cymbidium) symbiotic mycorrhizae and the speciality-relation between mycorrhizae and hosts. And the terrestrial orchids belong to Cymbidium goeringii and epibiosis orchids of Yunan province showed strongly strict speciality-relation with the stains isolated from them.
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  • Effects of Lipoxygenase on the Cormels Formation and Enlargement in Gladiolus hybridus
  • HE Xiu-li;YUAN Zhi-hua;XU Zhe;and YI Ming-fang
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2008, 35(1): 87-93.
  • Abstract ( 1769 ) HTML ( 1102 ) PDF (495KB) ( 1102 )    
  • To investigate the effects of lipoxygenase (LOX-1) on the cormels formation and enlargement in Gladiolus hybridus, with 'Rose Supreme' and 'Advanced Red' as materials, LOX-1 activity, endogenous methyl jasmonate (MJ), sucrose, starch and cellulose contents were examined during the cormels growth. The results showed that LOX-1 activity and endogenous MJ content in 'Rose Supreme' were higher than those in 'Advanced Red', with highest activties and contents in stolons, but not detected in leaves. It suggested that LOX-1 might regulate the development and growth of Gladiolus cormels through affecting the JAs biosynthesis cycles. During the cormels growth, the contents of sucrose, starch and cellulose, with positive correlations with LOX-1 activity, showed different increase in corm and cormels, which also suggested that sucrose, starch and cellulose played important roles in the formation and enlargement of gladiolus corms and cormels.
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  • Development Process and Spore Sterile Culture of Pteris wallichiana Agardh.
  • ZHANG Kai-mei;SHI Lei;LI Dong;and ZHANG Xian-chun
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2008, 35(1): 94-98.
  • Abstract ( 1910 ) HTML ( 1341 ) PDF (1093KB) ( 1341 )    
  • The development process and spore sterile culture of Pteris wallichiana Agardh. were studied respectively. The results showed that the spore germination was of the Vittaria-type while the gametophyte development was of the Ceratopteris-type. The maximum germination rate was obtained in 1/2MS medium, which reached 83.3%; the highest rate of gametophyte to sporophyte was achieved in MS medium, which reached 55.4%; the transplant survival rate of sporophyte in vitro reached above 80%. The research indicates that the utilization of the spore sterile culture of P. wallichiana for its large-scale production is possible.
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  • Effects of High Temperature on Bioluminescence and Energy Metabolism of Malus hupehensis (Pamp) Rehd. var. pingyiensis Jiang
  • GUO Ying and YANG Hong-qiang;
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2008, 35(1): 99-102.
  • Abstract ( 1920 ) HTML ( 1219 ) PDF (280KB) ( 1219 )    
  • The seedling of Malus hupehensis Rehd var pingyiensis Jiang was used to study the effects of high-temperature on bioluminescence and the changes of ATP content, rate of total respiration and cyanide-resistant respiration. The results indicated that the intensities of ultraweak luminescence (UWL) and fluorescence of leaves all decreased in initial stage of high temperature stress. But with the prolongation of high-temperature stress time both of them were gradually increased and got back to control level at 48h of treatment. While phosphorescence intensity was continuously rose during the period of high temperature stress. Under high temperature stress, the rate of total respiration was decreased, the rate of cyanide-resistant respiration rose, and the production of ATP decreased. This suggested that the bioluminescence has close relation to the pathway of respiration and energy metabolism in Malus hupehensis (Pamp) Rehd. var. pingyiensis Jiang.
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  • Studies on 45S rDNA-FISH of Natural Polyploids in Citrus sinensis Osbeck.‘Hongjiangcheng’
  • WANG Wei-xing;XIANG Su-qiong;CHEN Yao;GUO Qi-gao;LI Xiao-lin;and LIANG Guo-lu
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2008, 35(1): 103-106.
  • Abstract ( 1997 ) HTML ( 1191 ) PDF (370KB) ( 1191 )    
  • The materials of experiment were natural triploids, natural tetraploids selected in seeds and diploids of Citrus sinensis Osbeck. 'Hongjiangcheng'. Making use of the technique of 45S rDNA-FISH, the FISH karyotypes of these materials were studied and the results were analysized. Three hybridized signals were detected on NORs(nuclear organization region) on chromosomes number 1 and all regions of satellite of chromosome number 8 in the mitotic metaphase. Four hybridized signals located on the mitotic metaphase chromosomes of triploid. One signal was detected on NOR of chromosome number 3, and the other three were same as diploid. There were six hybridized signals on the mitotic metaphase chromosomes of tetraploid, and these signals were same as diploid. And same hybridized signals were detected on mitotic interphase. According to the results, the formation of triploids should be relative to 2n female gametes with recombination of foreign genes. Tetraploids should be relative to the chromosome doubling of nucellus cells, and a few chromosomes breakage and translocation were found.
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  • Genetic Diversity and Relationship in Pomegranate (Punica granatum L.) Cultivars in Shandong Revealed by Fluorescent-AFLP Markers
  • YUAN Zhao-he;YIN Yan-lei;ZHU Li-qin;LI Yun;and HOU Le-feng
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2008, 35(1): 107-112.
  • Abstract ( 2782 ) HTML ( 1302 ) PDF (852KB) ( 1302 )    
  • The genetic diversity of 25 pomegranate cultivars cultivated in Shandong Province was analyzed by the fluorescent-AFLP marker techniques with 8 pairs of EcoR I/Mse I primer combinations. The results showed that the number of polymorphic loci amplified by 8 pairs of fluorescent-AFLP primers in 25 cultivars was 70 to 126, the average was 90.25, the mean percentage of polymorphic loci (P) was 41.78%. All average observed number of alleles, average effective number of alleles, average Nei's gene diversity index (H), and average Shannon's information index (I) was 1.4178,1.1874,0.1133 and 0.1752 respectively;Variance analysis's results indicated that there was a significant difference in Nei's gene diversity index and Shannon's information index of each locus. Cluster analysis was performed by using of UPGMA method based on Lei & Li similarity coefficients, and 25 pomegranate cultivars in Shandong were divided into 4 groups at 0.786 level of similarity coefficient. In addition the relationship in Shandong pomegranate cultivars and the foreground of breeding were discussed based on the results of AFLP analysis.
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  • Effects of 1-Methylcyclopropene on the Changes of Soluble Proteins in Harvested Apples
  • ZHU Yu-han;HU Fang;MA Shu-shang;GUO Yan;and ZHAO Gang
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2008, 35(1): 113-118.
  • Abstract ( 2133 ) HTML ( 1015 ) PDF (1182KB) ( 1015 )    
  • The SDS-PAGE technology was used to investigate the effects of 1-methylcyclopropene treatment on the changes of soluble proteins in harvested apples of 5 cultivars. The results indicated that 7 protein bands (97.2, 38.3, 37.0, 28.7, 27.2, 19.6 and 18.6 kD) in control fruits were related to apple ripening and senescence. Some differences existed among the different cultivars. 37.0 kD protein appeared in 'Gala' and 'Qinguan' fruits, 28.7 kD protein content decreased in 'Gala' and 'Qinguan' fruits but it kept stable in other cultivars. 27.2 kD protein expressed in apples of other cultivars except 'Gala'. 18.6 kD protein only expressed in 'Red Delicious', 'Qinguan' and 'Fuji' fruits. In the fruits treated with 500 nL·L-1 1-methylcyclopropene, the accumulation of 97.2, 38.3, 37.0, 27.2, 19.6 and 18.6 kD proteins was delayed or reduced, while the degradation of 28.7 kD protein in 'Gala' and 'Qinguan' fruits was slowed down.
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  • Effects of Low Light on Photosynthetic and Fluorescent Characteristics of Seedlings in Cucumis sativus
  • LI Wei;HUANG Jin-li;SUI Xiao-lei;WANG Shao-hui;GUAN Qiu-zhu;ZHOU Ming;HU Li-ping;and ZHANG Zhen-xian
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2008, 35(1): 119-122.
  • Abstract ( 1836 ) HTML ( 1356 ) PDF (301KB) ( 1356 )    
  • he effects of low light on photosynthetic and fluorescent characteristics of seedlings in cucumis sativus (shade susceptible 'Jinyan 2' and shade tolerant 'Deltastar') were investigated in the growth chamber. After treated 20 days under the low light Intensity (75-85 μmol·m-2·s-1), the photosynthesis pigment contents and the ratios of chlorophylls/carotenoids [Chl.(a+b)/Car.) in leaves of the two cultivars increased, and the values were higher in 'Deltastar' than in 'Jinyan 2'. While, the ratios of Chl.a/b decreased, especially in 'Deltastar'. The net photosynthesis rate (Pn) and water use efficiency (WUE) in the two cultivars decreased but the smaller reduction extents and higher values were observed in 'Deltastar'. There were some differences in effects of low light on the maximal photochemical efficiency of PSⅡ in the dark (Fv/Fm), the actual photochemical efficiency of PSⅡ in the light (ΦPSⅡ), the photochemical reaction rate (Prate), the linear whole-chain electron transport rate (J) and the partitioning proportion for photochemical reaction of light energy absorbed by PSⅡ (P) between two cultivars, which the that in 'Deltastar' increased markedly, nevertheless the ruleless changes of the that in 'Jinyan 2'. It indicated that light energy use capability in 'Deltastar' was stronger than that in 'Jinyan 2' under low light.
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  • Development of SCAR Marker Linked to Cucumber Anthracnose Resistance-related Gene from an AFLP Marker
  • LI Shu-ju;WANG Hui-zhe;HUO Zhen-rong;and GUAN Wei
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2008, 35(1): 123-126.
  • Abstract ( 2070 ) HTML ( 1250 ) PDF (625KB) ( 1250 )    
  • The co-dominant AFLP marker of Anthracnose Resistance-related Gene of Cucumber was converted into co-dominant SCAR marker successfully. After sequencing of the AFLP marker fragment, two pairs of primers were designed according to the nucleotide sequence. PCR results from cucumber genomic DNA showed the two primer pairs, (1) and (2), could amplify two band types with the size of 131bp/125 bp and178bp /172 bp respectively. Both 131 bp band and 178 bp band were the character band of anthracnose resistance phenotype. These SCAR markers were designated as SCEM131/125、SCEM178/172。Anthracnose resistance of F2 and some known cucumber lines were tested by SCAR markers, and the results indicated that the resistance tested was consisitent with their field performance by 97.27%, which further confirmed the feasibility of the SCAR markers in MAS for cucumber anthracnose.
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  • Dynamic Changes of Inositol, Polysaccharide and Reductive Sugars in Pumpkin During Fruit Development
  • YANG Hong-juan;SONG Rong-hao;MA Kun;GU Wei-hong;and TANG Qing-jiu
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2008, 35(1): 127-130.
  • Abstract ( 2554 ) HTML ( 1320 ) PDF (295KB) ( 1320 )    
  • Dynamic changes of inositol, polysaccharide, and reductive sugar during the fruit development in four pumpkin varieties 'GD-1', 'Abis’(Cucurbita maxima), 'GD-15', and‘Huanglang’ (Cucurbita moschata) were investigated.The results showed that inositol, polysaccharide, and reductive sugar increased and then decreased during the fruit development. Inositol in Cucurbita maxima and Cucurbita moschata reached its peak at the day 45 and 35 after pollination, respectively. Polysaccharide in Cucurbita maxima and Cucurbita moschata reached its peak at the day 55 and 45 after pollination, respectively. Reductive sugar in Cucurbita maxima and Cucurbita moschata reached its peak at the day 25 and 35 after pollination. However, the reductive sugar started to increase at the day 10 after harvesting, and showed a pattern of increase, decrease, and increase. This study also showed variations for inositol, polysaccharide, and reductive sugar among the varieties tested.
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  • Photosynthetic Characteristics and Photoprotective Mechanisms under Various Temperatures in Lilium × formolongo Seedlings
  • LUO Li-lan;SHI Lei;JIANG Chuang-dao;and ZHANG Jin-zheng
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2008, 35(1): 131-136.
  • Abstract ( 2423 ) HTML ( 1213 ) PDF (406KB) ( 1213 )    
  • Gas exchange, chlorophyll fluorescence and activities of anti-oxidant enzymes were investigated to study the responses of photosynthetic characteristics and photoprotective mechanisms to various temperatures (25 ℃, 32 ℃, 38 ℃ and 44 ℃) in 'Leishan 1' and 'Sayaka' of Lilium× formolongo seedlings. In this study, the results showed that the temperatures from 25 ℃ to 38 ℃ led to only slight decrease in photosynthetic rate (Pn), but the 44 ℃ induced a significant reduction in the values of Pn. Along with the decrease in photosynthetic capacity, stomatal conductance (Gs) decreased considerably; during this process, the stomatal limitation value (Ls) decreased gradually and clearly. The measurement of chlorophyll fluorescence showed that the initial fluorescence yield (Fo) was not effected by the raising temperatures, while the maximum fluorescence yield (Fm) and the maximal quantum yield of photosystem II photochemistry (Fv/Fm) went down slightly with temperature increasing in the two lily varieties. The actual efficiency of PSⅡ(ΦPSⅡ) reduced distinctly along with the increase of temperature, while non-photochemical quenching (NPQ) strikingly increased. Moreover, the activities of superoxide dismutase (SOD), ascorbate peroxidase (APX), catalase (CAT) and peroxidases (POD) were enhanced with the temperature increasing. According to our data, we suggest that Lilium × formolongo is able to tolerate mild high temperatures; Non-photochemical quenching and the anti-oxidant enzymes are the main mechanisms in the two lily varieties seedlings, which can effectively protect its photosynthetic apparatus against high temperatures.
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  • Study on the Genetic Diversity of Some Osmanthus fragrans Cultivars Based on AFLP Markers
  • HAN Yuan-ji;DONG Mei-fang;YUAN Wang-jun;LI Jin;HAN Jie;and SHANG Fu-de
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2008, 35(1): 137-142.
  • Abstract ( 2137 ) HTML ( 1204 ) PDF (668KB) ( 1204 )    
  • 22 primer combinations were used for polymorphic selection, 6 of which could generate reproducible polymorphic fragments and were used to detect the polymorphic sites of 22 Osmanthus fragrans cultivars and 3 species of Osmanthus. A total of 171 bands amplified from 6 primer combinations were selected for AFLP analysis, 104 bands appeared to be polymorphic(60.8%).The data were used to calculate the Nei's genetic distance of the 25 materials and to construct a dendrogram based on UPGMA cluster analysis.The result showed that:It had closely relationship between Osmanthus fragrans cultivars with brunet flower as well as Osmanthus fragrans cultivars with blonde flower,but the relationship between the two groups were remote.From the dendrogram,we knew that some Osmanthus fragrans cultivars of Latifolius Group and Fragrans Group had remotely relationship comparing with Thunbergii Group and Aurantiacus Group.AFLP analysis appeared the taxonomic result was not completely consistent with that of traditional analysis.
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  • The Influence of Heat Shock on Tissue Browning of Phalaenopsis
  • YANG Ling;GE Hong;HUANG Mian-jia;and ZHAO Ying
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2008, 35(1): 143-146.
  • Abstract ( 2642 ) HTML ( 1552 ) PDF (238KB) ( 1552 )    
  • To clearify the effect of heat shock on tissue browning of Phalaenopsis, the post-subculture changes in browning index, total phenolic content and PAL activity in tissues recovered under 25 ℃ for different time after heat shock treatment at 45 ℃ for 10 min were determined and analysed. The results suggested that the browning of cultured Phalaenopsis tissue could be significantly inhibited by heat treatment when the treated tissue was covered for 48 h under 25 ℃.
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  • A New Filbert Cultivar ‘Liaozhen 2’
  • ZHANG Ling;ZHAI Ming-pu;XIE Ming;and ZHENG Jin-li
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2008, 35(1): 151-151.
  • Abstract ( 1906 ) HTML ( 1242 ) PDF (77KB) ( 1242 )    
  • ‘Liaozhen 2’ is a new cultivar of Corylus heterophylla Fisch. and C. avellana L. To compare with the wild variety of C. heterophylla Fisch., its quality has been greatly improved in yield, kernel content of the seed, and the average weight of nut,while the virtues of cold-resistance and adaptability is similar. Branches of ‘Liaozhen 2’ is little erection and convergent than ‘Liaozhen 1’ which has been selected simultaneously.
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  • A New Early-maturity Watermelon Cultivar‘Tianjiao’
  • JING Yan-cai;CHANG Gao-zheng;XU Xiao-li;LI Xiao-hui;and NIU Yi-li
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2008, 35(1): 153-153.
  • Abstract ( 1701 ) HTML ( 1248 ) PDF (76KB) ( 1248 )    
  • Tianjiao is an early-maturing, high quality, and disease resistant new cultivar of watermelon bred by YB-7 as female parent and ZJ-4 as male parent. It is early-maturing cultivar with a growth period of 94 days. The fruit is spherical in shape and fruit shape index is 1.0. The fruit peel is light green mixed with dark green stripe in colour and is 1.0 cm in thickness. The mass of a single fruit is 5-6 kg. The yield is 45 t·hm-2 or more. It is highly resistant to anthrax of watermelon, watermelon virus disease, and moderately resistant to watermelon with disease. Its flesh is red in colour, crisp, less fibber content. The content of central soluble solids is 11.94%. It is resistant to cracking and convenient to store and transport with high quality.
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