Acta Horticulturae Sinica ›› 2024, Vol. 51 ›› Issue (8): 1728-1742.doi: 10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2023-0527
• Genetic & Breeding·Germplasm Resources·Molecular Biology • Previous Articles Next Articles
LI Jie*(), WU Chao, JIA Xiangqian, WANG Juan
LI Jie
LI Jie, WU Chao, JIA Xiangqian, WANG Juan. Screening of Ziziphus jujuba‘Hupingzao’Fruit Coloring Substances and Their Related Genes[J]. Acta Horticulturae Sinica, 2024, 51(8): 1728-1742.
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Fig. 2 Changes in the contents of anthocyanins and flavonoids in the peel of Ziziphus jujuba‘Hupingzao’in three periods Different lowercase letters indicated significant differences in the same index in different periods(P < 0.05).The same below.
化合物种类 Compound type | 含量/(ng · mL-1) Content | 化合物种类 Compound type | 含量/(ng · mL-1) Content |
矢车菊素双葡萄糖苷Cyanidin 3,5-diglucoside | — | 天竺葵色素Pelargonidin 锦葵色素Malvidin | 6.566 15.392 |
矢车菊素半乳糖苷Cyanidin 3-galactoside | 2.809 | 芍药色素Peonidin | 7.794 |
飞燕草素Delphinidin | — | 芦丁(芸香苷)Rutin | 8.714 |
原花色素B4 Procyanidin B4 | 5.720 | 木犀草素Luteolin | 136.234 |
矢车菊素Cyanidin | 21.938 | 槲皮素Quercetin | 44.376 |
双聚原矢车菊甘元Procyanidin B2 | 7.952 | 异鼠李素Isorhamnetin | 32.522 |
矮牵牛色素Petunidin | 23.033 | 山奈酚Kaempferol | 31.923 |
Table 1 The content of various flavonoid substances in three kinds of Ziziphus jujuba‘Hupingzao’fruit
化合物种类 Compound type | 含量/(ng · mL-1) Content | 化合物种类 Compound type | 含量/(ng · mL-1) Content |
矢车菊素双葡萄糖苷Cyanidin 3,5-diglucoside | — | 天竺葵色素Pelargonidin 锦葵色素Malvidin | 6.566 15.392 |
矢车菊素半乳糖苷Cyanidin 3-galactoside | 2.809 | 芍药色素Peonidin | 7.794 |
飞燕草素Delphinidin | — | 芦丁(芸香苷)Rutin | 8.714 |
原花色素B4 Procyanidin B4 | 5.720 | 木犀草素Luteolin | 136.234 |
矢车菊素Cyanidin | 21.938 | 槲皮素Quercetin | 44.376 |
双聚原矢车菊甘元Procyanidin B2 | 7.952 | 异鼠李素Isorhamnetin | 32.522 |
矮牵牛色素Petunidin | 23.033 | 山奈酚Kaempferol | 31.923 |
时期 Stage | 样本 Sample | 原始碱基数 Total bases | 样本碱基总数/Gb Total giga bases | 有效序列数 Total reads | Q20/% | Q30/% | 比对率 Overall mapping rate |
白熟期White ripening | 1 | 6 469 880 608 | 6.47 | 44 889 082 | 97.9148 | 93.7792 | 0.946 |
2 | 5 857 844 975 | 5.86 | 40 652 034 | 98.0241 | 94.0759 | 0.944 | |
3 | 6 166 062 009 | 6.17 | 42 803 420 | 97.8849 | 93.6980 | 0.944 | |
半红期Semi-red | 1 | 5 757 384 355 | 5.76 | 39 806 298 | 98.3328 | 94.8011 | 0.952 |
2 | 6 114 634 623 | 6.11 | 42 321 102 | 98.0420 | 94.0131 | 0.951 | |
3 | 6 452 091 835 | 6.45 | 44 670 074 | 98.1427 | 94.3092 | 0.938 | |
全红期Whole-red | 1 | 5 731 716 448 | 5.73 | 39 656 256 | 98.1848 | 94.4039 | 0.953 |
2 | 5 676 944 756 | 5.68 | 39 237 730 | 98.2798 | 94.6434 | 0.952 | |
3 | 6 040 803 819 | 6.04 | 41 780 350 | 98.2849 | 94.6781 | 0.954 |
Table 2 Overview of sample sequencing data
时期 Stage | 样本 Sample | 原始碱基数 Total bases | 样本碱基总数/Gb Total giga bases | 有效序列数 Total reads | Q20/% | Q30/% | 比对率 Overall mapping rate |
白熟期White ripening | 1 | 6 469 880 608 | 6.47 | 44 889 082 | 97.9148 | 93.7792 | 0.946 |
2 | 5 857 844 975 | 5.86 | 40 652 034 | 98.0241 | 94.0759 | 0.944 | |
3 | 6 166 062 009 | 6.17 | 42 803 420 | 97.8849 | 93.6980 | 0.944 | |
半红期Semi-red | 1 | 5 757 384 355 | 5.76 | 39 806 298 | 98.3328 | 94.8011 | 0.952 |
2 | 6 114 634 623 | 6.11 | 42 321 102 | 98.0420 | 94.0131 | 0.951 | |
3 | 6 452 091 835 | 6.45 | 44 670 074 | 98.1427 | 94.3092 | 0.938 | |
全红期Whole-red | 1 | 5 731 716 448 | 5.73 | 39 656 256 | 98.1848 | 94.4039 | 0.953 |
2 | 5 676 944 756 | 5.68 | 39 237 730 | 98.2798 | 94.6434 | 0.952 | |
3 | 6 040 803 819 | 6.04 | 41 780 350 | 98.2849 | 94.6781 | 0.954 |
Fig. 4 The number of differentially expressed genes in the Ziziphus jujuba‘Hupingzao’in the three stages BSQ:White ripening;BHQ:Semi-red;QHQ:Whole red.
Fig. 6 Map of KEGG concentration and distribution point of different genes in pericarp of Ziziphus jujuba‘Hupingzao’at white ripening stage and semi-red stage
Fig. 7 Map of KEGG concentration and distribution point of pericarp differential gene in semi-red stage and whole red stage of Ziziphus jujuba‘Hupingzao’
Fig. 8 Map of KEGG concentration and distribution point of different genes in pericarp of Ziziphus jujuba‘Hupingzao’ during white ripening stage and whole red stage
Fig. 9 Heat map of differentially expressed genes in metabolic pathways related to Ziziphus jujuba‘Hupingzao’peel coloring at different stages enriched by KEGG
Fig. 11 Diagram of anthocyanin synthesis pathway Three color blocks from left to right represent the expression of white ripe stage,semi-red stage and whole red stage.
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