
Acta Horticulturae Sinica ›› 2021, Vol. 48 ›› Issue (4): 791-810.doi: 10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2020-0537

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Ploidy Manipulation and Citrus Breeding:Current Status,Problems and Prospects

DANG Jiangbo1, CUI Lulu1, HAN Guohui2, LI Cai3, XIANG Suqiong1, GUO Qigao1,*(), LIANG Guolu1,*()   

  1. 1College of Horticulture and Landscape Architecture,Southwest University,Chongqing 400715,China
    2Fruit Tree Research Institute,Chongqing Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Chongqing,401329,China
    3Fruit Office of Fuling District in Chongqing,Chongqing 408000,China
  • Received:2020-08-29 Online:2021-04-25 Published:2021-04-29
  • Contact: GUO Qigao,LIANG Guolu;


There have been some advanced progresses in ploidy manipulation of citrus. Firstly,numerous triploid and tetraploid have been reported,and some triploid and tetraploid varieties have been released. Secondly,Some tetraploid perform well in controlling tree shape,and being resistant to dieseases and stresses when used as rootstocks. Thirdly,haploid and dihaploid were used in genome researches of Citrus,and great achievements had been harvested. Nevertheless,there are still some difficulties in ploidy manipulation of citrus. Firstly,long juvenile phase and nucellar embryo affect the efficiency of new polyploid varieties breeding. Secondly,it is still difficult to obtain haploid and dihaploid,which limits the promotion of citrus genome researches and breeding. Thirdly,some polyploids with high qualities are lowly fertile,blocking the efficiency of breeding by using these materials. Regarding the problem of long juvenile phase in citrus polyploidy breeding,it is nessary to use new technologies of shortening it or to take advantage of germplasm resources with short juvenile phase. For overcoming the interference of nucellar embryo,it is nessary to develop more monoembryonic tetraploids. When using polyembryonic tetraploids as parents to produce triploids,embryo rescue,and molecular marker can be used to improve the breeding efficiency. At last,the authors suggested that ploidy manipulation in citrus could be extending in the following aspects:firstly,improving the frequency of 2n gamete production in order to develop more polyploid,especially monoembryonic types;secondly,the advantages of polyploid being used as rootstock and polyploid rootstock should be brought into play to promote the development of rootstock breeding;thirdly,continuing to induce haploid and dihaploid in order to accelerate genome research,functional gene research and breeding of citrus;fourthly,on the basis of allopolyploids and their creation technology,new materials with only small amount of alien genomic components and target traits could be bred by combining with chromosome manipulation techniques.

Key words: citrus, ploid manipulation, tetraploid, triploid, haploid

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