
Acta Horticulturae Sinica

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Identification of VaSR Gene Family in Vitis amurensis Rupr.,Verification of Cold Resistance Function of VaSR1 and Screening of Interacting Proteins

LIANG Guoping,ZENG Baozhen,LIU Ming,BIAN Zhiyuan,CHEN Baihong,and MAO Juan   

  1. College of Horticulture,>Gansu Agricultural University,Lanzhou 730070,China
  • Published:2024-11-22

Abstract: To investigate the cold-resistance function of serine/arginine-rich splicing factor(SR)in grapevine,the present study selected VaSR1 from the transcriptome data of the phloem of branches treated with various temperature periods during the low-temperature dormancy period of Vitis amurensis Rupr,and performed cloning,identification of cold-resistant functions,and screening of interacting proteins. Thirteen VaSR family members with the conserved functional domain RRM_SF superfamily were identified from the genome database of Vitis amurensis. Phylogenetic and collinearity analysis revealed that the majority of the members of the VaSRs were clustered into the SC subfamily and were closely related to the SR proteins of apple. The cold tolerance function of VaSR1 was verified,and the freezing survival rate of transgenic Arabidopsis plants was significantly lower than that of the wild type;the soluble sugar content and the activities of antioxidant enzymes and amylase in the leaves of transgenic plants were significantly lower than those of the wild type after 4 ℃ cold stress,while the starch content was significantly increased;the yeast two-hybridization elucidated that VaU1SNRNP and VaCYP63 were the intercalating proteins of VaSR1 with the ability to promote precursor mRNA splicing and involved in regulating polyadenylation of related genes in cells. Collectively,VaSR1 overexpression reduced amylase activity in transgenic plants,leading to a reduction in soluble sugar content in the leaves and attenuating the low-temperature tolerance of the plants. Furthermore,the presence of VaU1SNRNP and VaCYP63 in mountain grapes was capable of interacting with VaSR1.

Key words: Vitis amurensis, transcription factor, VaSR1, cold stress, Yeast two-hybrid