园艺学报 ›› 2023, Vol. 50 ›› Issue (5): 959-971.doi: 10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2022-0190
ZHOU Ping, GUO Rui, YAN Shaobin, JIN Guang()
为研究桃树(Prunus persica)外源喷施山梨醇(1 mmol · L-1)对其糖代谢的影响,整合代谢组与转录组数据,分析叶片和果肉中蔗糖、果糖、葡萄糖、山梨醇的含量和特定糖代谢、糖转运基因表达的变化,以期明确受影响的代谢通路。测定结果表明,山梨醇处理叶片葡萄糖、果糖、蔗糖含量提升,山梨醇含量变化不明显;处理果肉山梨醇含量下降,其他糖含量变化不明显;处理叶片和果肉蔗糖/果糖、蔗糖/葡萄糖、山梨醇/果糖、山梨醇/葡萄糖和山梨醇/蔗糖比值均显著下降。山梨醇处理后,叶片和果肉糖代谢、糖转运基因表达谱变化不相同,糖代谢酶(PpSDHb、PpPFKa/b/e、PpHXKa、PpSUSb/c、PpINVe)和糖转运子(PpSOTa/i、PpSWEET10/13)基因参与调控叶片和果肉中的蔗糖、果糖、葡萄糖和山梨醇积累。转录组分析证实山梨醇处理造成的差异表达基因富集于糖代谢相关途径(叶片蔗糖、淀粉代谢途径和果肉碳代谢途径)及其他次级代谢途径。这些结果说明外源山梨醇对桃叶片和果实果肉可溶性糖含量和糖组分平衡的影响不同。山梨醇处理造成桃叶片、果实糖代谢酶和糖转运子基因表达变化,影响了糖代谢。
周平, 郭瑞, 颜少宾, 金光. 外源山梨醇影响桃叶片和果实糖代谢的分子机制研究[J]. 园艺学报, 2023, 50(5): 959-971.
ZHOU Ping, GUO Rui, YAN Shaobin, JIN Guang. Molecular Mechanism Study of Exogenous Sorbitol Effects on Sugar Metabolism in Peach Leaves and Fruits[J]. Acta Horticulturae Sinica, 2023, 50(5): 959-971.
图1 山梨醇处理后桃叶片和果肉糖含量和糖组分比率的变化 * 代表处理组与对照组有统计学差异(Student t检验,α = 0.05)。
Fig. 1 Changes of sugar contents and sugar composition ratios in peach leaves and fruits with sorbitol treatments * represents a significant difference between treatment and control group(Student t-test,α = 0.05).
糖代谢酶 Sugar-metabolizing enzymes | 基因 Gene | 基因编号 Gene ID | 同源基因编号 Homologous gene ID | 同源基因 Homologous gene | 相似度/% Similarity |
山梨醇脱氢酶(SDH) | PpSDHa | Prupe.1G057900 | AT5G51970 | AtSDH | 60 |
Sorbitol dehydrogenase | PpSDHb | Prupe.2G288800 | AT5G51970 | AtSDH | 81 |
PpSDHc | Prupe.4G240300 | AT5G51970 | AtSDH | 78 | |
PpSDHd | Prupe.8G142900 | AT5G51970 | AtSDH | 78 | |
PpSDHe | Prupe.8G143000 | AT5G51970 | AtSDH | 78 | |
6-磷酸山梨醇脱氢酶(S6PDH) | PpS6PDHa | Prupe.8G083400 | AAV54113 | MdS6PDH | 76 |
Sorbitol-6-phosphate dehydrogenase | PpS6PDHb | Prupe.2G061100 | AAV54113 | MdS6PDH | 69 |
蔗糖合酶(SUS) | PpSUSa | Prupe.1G131700 | AT5G49190 | AtSUS2 | 82 |
Sucrose Synthase | PpSUSb | Prupe.8G264300 | AT4G02280 | AtSUS3 | 84 |
PpSUSc | Prupe.7G192300 | AT3G43190 | AtSUS4 | 82 | |
PpSUSd | Prupe.3G014100 | AT5G37180 | AtSUS5 | 73 | |
PpSUSe | Prupe.5G241700 | AT1G73370 | AtSUS6 | 75 | |
蔗糖磷酸合成酶(SPS) | PpSPSa | Prupe.1G159700 | AT1G04920 | AtSPS3F | 77 |
Sucrose phosphate synthase | PpSPSb | Prupe.1G483200 | AT5G11110 | AtSPS2F | 72 |
PpSPSc | Prupe.7G249900 | AT5G20280 | AtSPS1F | 78 | |
PpSPSd | Prupe.8G003700 | AT4G10120 | AtSPS4F | 70 | |
蔗糖磷酸酯酶(SPP) | PpSPPa | Prupe.5G001900 | AT1G51420 | AtSPP1 | 60 |
Sucrose phosphate phosphatase | PpSPPb | Prupe.7G089300 | AT3G52340 | AtSPP2 | 62 |
转化酶(INV) | PpINVa | Prupe.6G309800 | AT1G56560 | A/N-InvA | 74 |
Invertase | PpINVb | Prupe.1G365400 | AT4G34860 | A/N-InvB | 78 |
PpINVc | Prupe.6G229900 | AT4G34860 | A/N-InvB | 58 | |
PpINVd | Prupe.2G075000 | AT4G34860 | A/N-InvB | 84 | |
PpINVe | Prupe.1G111800 | AT3G06500 | A/N-InvC | 67 | |
PpINVf | Prupe.8G159800 | AT1G22650 | A/N-InvD | 78 | |
PpINVg | Prupe.2G083900 | AT5G22510 | A/N-InvE | 70 | |
PpINVh | Prupe.6G122600 | AT5G22510 | A/N-InvE | 71 | |
磷酸果糖激酶(PFK) | PpPFKa | Prupe.1G444000 | AT4G32840 | AtPFK6 | 82 |
Phosphofructokinase | PpPFKb | Prupe.3G056600 | AT4G26270 | AtPFK3 | 83 |
PpPFKc | Prupe.7G216700 | AT4G29220 | AtPFK1 | 82 | |
PpPFKd | Prupe.2G272600 | AT5G61580 | AtPFK4 | 79 | |
PpPFKe | Prupe.6G196200 | AT2G22480 | AtPFK5 | 83 | |
PpPFKf | Prupe.4G002000 | AT5G47810 | AtPFK2 | 78 | |
己糖激酶(HXK) | PpHXKa | Prupe.3G057800 | AT4G29130 | AtHXK1 | 73 |
Hexokinase | PpHXKb | Prupe.7G218800 | AT2G19860 | AtHXK2 | 78 |
PpHXKc | Prupe.1G366000 | AT1G47840 | AtHXK3 | 68 | |
PpHKLa | Prupe.4G256200 | AT1G50460 | AtHKL1 | 68 | |
PpHKLb | Prupe.6G212100 | AT4G37840 | AtHKL3 | 60 | |
磷酸葡萄糖异构酶(PGI) | PpPGI | Prupe.1G528400 | AT4G24620 | AtPGI1 | 81 |
Phosphoglucose isomerase |
表1 桃38个糖代谢酶基因
Table 1 Thirty-eight peach sugar-metabolizing enzyme genes
糖代谢酶 Sugar-metabolizing enzymes | 基因 Gene | 基因编号 Gene ID | 同源基因编号 Homologous gene ID | 同源基因 Homologous gene | 相似度/% Similarity |
山梨醇脱氢酶(SDH) | PpSDHa | Prupe.1G057900 | AT5G51970 | AtSDH | 60 |
Sorbitol dehydrogenase | PpSDHb | Prupe.2G288800 | AT5G51970 | AtSDH | 81 |
PpSDHc | Prupe.4G240300 | AT5G51970 | AtSDH | 78 | |
PpSDHd | Prupe.8G142900 | AT5G51970 | AtSDH | 78 | |
PpSDHe | Prupe.8G143000 | AT5G51970 | AtSDH | 78 | |
6-磷酸山梨醇脱氢酶(S6PDH) | PpS6PDHa | Prupe.8G083400 | AAV54113 | MdS6PDH | 76 |
Sorbitol-6-phosphate dehydrogenase | PpS6PDHb | Prupe.2G061100 | AAV54113 | MdS6PDH | 69 |
蔗糖合酶(SUS) | PpSUSa | Prupe.1G131700 | AT5G49190 | AtSUS2 | 82 |
Sucrose Synthase | PpSUSb | Prupe.8G264300 | AT4G02280 | AtSUS3 | 84 |
PpSUSc | Prupe.7G192300 | AT3G43190 | AtSUS4 | 82 | |
PpSUSd | Prupe.3G014100 | AT5G37180 | AtSUS5 | 73 | |
PpSUSe | Prupe.5G241700 | AT1G73370 | AtSUS6 | 75 | |
蔗糖磷酸合成酶(SPS) | PpSPSa | Prupe.1G159700 | AT1G04920 | AtSPS3F | 77 |
Sucrose phosphate synthase | PpSPSb | Prupe.1G483200 | AT5G11110 | AtSPS2F | 72 |
PpSPSc | Prupe.7G249900 | AT5G20280 | AtSPS1F | 78 | |
PpSPSd | Prupe.8G003700 | AT4G10120 | AtSPS4F | 70 | |
蔗糖磷酸酯酶(SPP) | PpSPPa | Prupe.5G001900 | AT1G51420 | AtSPP1 | 60 |
Sucrose phosphate phosphatase | PpSPPb | Prupe.7G089300 | AT3G52340 | AtSPP2 | 62 |
转化酶(INV) | PpINVa | Prupe.6G309800 | AT1G56560 | A/N-InvA | 74 |
Invertase | PpINVb | Prupe.1G365400 | AT4G34860 | A/N-InvB | 78 |
PpINVc | Prupe.6G229900 | AT4G34860 | A/N-InvB | 58 | |
PpINVd | Prupe.2G075000 | AT4G34860 | A/N-InvB | 84 | |
PpINVe | Prupe.1G111800 | AT3G06500 | A/N-InvC | 67 | |
PpINVf | Prupe.8G159800 | AT1G22650 | A/N-InvD | 78 | |
PpINVg | Prupe.2G083900 | AT5G22510 | A/N-InvE | 70 | |
PpINVh | Prupe.6G122600 | AT5G22510 | A/N-InvE | 71 | |
磷酸果糖激酶(PFK) | PpPFKa | Prupe.1G444000 | AT4G32840 | AtPFK6 | 82 |
Phosphofructokinase | PpPFKb | Prupe.3G056600 | AT4G26270 | AtPFK3 | 83 |
PpPFKc | Prupe.7G216700 | AT4G29220 | AtPFK1 | 82 | |
PpPFKd | Prupe.2G272600 | AT5G61580 | AtPFK4 | 79 | |
PpPFKe | Prupe.6G196200 | AT2G22480 | AtPFK5 | 83 | |
PpPFKf | Prupe.4G002000 | AT5G47810 | AtPFK2 | 78 | |
己糖激酶(HXK) | PpHXKa | Prupe.3G057800 | AT4G29130 | AtHXK1 | 73 |
Hexokinase | PpHXKb | Prupe.7G218800 | AT2G19860 | AtHXK2 | 78 |
PpHXKc | Prupe.1G366000 | AT1G47840 | AtHXK3 | 68 | |
PpHKLa | Prupe.4G256200 | AT1G50460 | AtHKL1 | 68 | |
PpHKLb | Prupe.6G212100 | AT4G37840 | AtHKL3 | 60 | |
磷酸葡萄糖异构酶(PGI) | PpPGI | Prupe.1G528400 | AT4G24620 | AtPGI1 | 81 |
Phosphoglucose isomerase |
糖转运子 Sugar transporter | 基因 Gene | 基因编号 Gene ID | 同源基因编号 Homologous gene ID | 同源基因 Homologous gene | 相似度/% Similarity |
山梨醇转运蛋白(SOT) | PpSOTa | Prupe.8G100700 | AAO088965 | MdSOT2 | 80 |
Sorbitol transporter | PpSOTb | Prupe.8G100900 | AAO088965 | MdSOT2 | 80 |
PpSOTc | Prupe.8G101000 | AAO088965 | MdSOT2 | 80 | |
PpSOTd | Prupe.8G101200 | AAO088964 | MdSOT1 | 78 | |
PpSOTe | Prupe.8G105300 | BAD42344 | MdSOT4 | 70 | |
PpSOTf | Prupe.8G105400 | BAD42344 | MdSOT4 | 70 | |
PpSOTg | Prupe.8G105500 | BAD42344 | MdSOT4 | 70 | |
PpSOTh | Prupe.8G105600 | BAD42344 | MdSOT4 | 70 | |
PpSOTi | Prupe.8G101500 | BAD42343 | MdSOT3 | 72 | |
蔗糖转运蛋白(SUT) | PpSUTa | Prupe.1G271500 | AT2G02860 | AtSUT2 | 72 |
Sucrose transporter | PpSUTb | Prupe.1G542000 | AT1G09960 | AtSUT4 | 73 |
PpSUTc | Prupe.8G052700 | AT1G22710 | AtSUT1 | 68 | |
液泡膜单糖转运蛋白(TMT) | PpTMTa | Prupe.5G006300 | AT4G35300 | AtTMT2 | 70 |
Tonoplast monosaccharide transporter | PpTMTb | Prupe.7G186000 | AT3G51490 | AtTMT3 | 64 |
多元醇/单糖转运蛋白(PMT) | PpPMTa | Prupe.8G105300 | AT3G18830 | AtPMT5 | 69 |
Polyol/Monosaccharide transporter | PpPMTb | Prupe.8G105400 | AT3G18830 | AtPMT5 | 69 |
PpPMTc | Prupe.8G105500 | AT3G18830 | AtPMT5 | 69 | |
PpPMTd | Prupe.8G105600 | AT3G18830 | AtPMT5 | 69 | |
PpPMTe | Prupe.8G101200 | AT4G36670 | AtPMT6 | 71 | |
PpPMTf | Prupe.7G152100 | AT3G18830 | AtPMT5 | 69 | |
糖转运蛋白(STP) | PpSTPa | Prupe.4G037800 | AT1G11260 | AtSTP1 | 83 |
Sugar transporter protein | PpSTPb | Prupe.1G070800 | AT3G19940 | AtSTP10 | 69 |
PpSTPc | Prupe.1G070900 | AT1G50310 | AtSTP9 | 69 | |
PpSTPd | Prupe.1G156300 | AT5G26340 | AtSTP13 | 84 | |
SWEET蛋白(SWEET) | PpSWEET1 | Prupe.6G355900 | AT2G39060 | AtSWEET9 | 62 |
Sugar will eventually be | PpSWEET2 | Prupe.1G220700 | AT5G13170 | AtSWEET15 | 63 |
exported transporter | PpSWEET3 | Prupe.8G253500 | AT2G39060 | AtSWEET9 | 55 |
(余彩云 等, | PpSWEET4 | Prupe.1G133300 | AT4G15920 | AtSWEET17 | 62 |
PpSWEET5 | Prupe.5G146500 | AT5G50790 | AtSWEET10 | 55 | |
PpSWEET6 | Prupe.3G283400 | AT5G62850 | AtSWEET5 | 56 | |
PpSWEET7 | Prupe.8G076100 | AT5G62850 | AtSWEET5 | 69 | |
PpSWEET8 | Prupe.3G034900 | AT5G62850 | AtSWEET5 | 68 | |
PpSWEET9 | Prupe.5G125100 | AT4G10850 | AtSWEET7 | 54 | |
PpSWEET10 | Prupe.8G017400 | AT1G21460 | AtSWEET1 | 64 | |
PpSWEET11 | Prupe.5G146400 | AT5G23660 | AtSWEET12 | 56 | |
PpSWEET12 | Prupe.4G155700 | AT3G14770 | AtSWEET2 | 66 | |
PpSWEET13 | Prupe.4G072300 | AT3G14770 | AtSWEET2 | 64 | |
PpSWEET14 | Prupe.2G118600 | AT4G15920 | AtSWEET17 | 50 | |
PpSWEET15 | Prupe.5G175500 | AT5G62850 | AtSWEET5 | 64 | |
PpSWEET16 | Prupe.2G245600 | AT2G39060 | AtSWEET9 | 55 | |
PpSWEET17 | Prupe.2G307800 | AT5G53190 | AtSWEET3 | 50 |
表2 桃41个糖转运子基因
Table 2 Forty-one peach sugar transporter genes
糖转运子 Sugar transporter | 基因 Gene | 基因编号 Gene ID | 同源基因编号 Homologous gene ID | 同源基因 Homologous gene | 相似度/% Similarity |
山梨醇转运蛋白(SOT) | PpSOTa | Prupe.8G100700 | AAO088965 | MdSOT2 | 80 |
Sorbitol transporter | PpSOTb | Prupe.8G100900 | AAO088965 | MdSOT2 | 80 |
PpSOTc | Prupe.8G101000 | AAO088965 | MdSOT2 | 80 | |
PpSOTd | Prupe.8G101200 | AAO088964 | MdSOT1 | 78 | |
PpSOTe | Prupe.8G105300 | BAD42344 | MdSOT4 | 70 | |
PpSOTf | Prupe.8G105400 | BAD42344 | MdSOT4 | 70 | |
PpSOTg | Prupe.8G105500 | BAD42344 | MdSOT4 | 70 | |
PpSOTh | Prupe.8G105600 | BAD42344 | MdSOT4 | 70 | |
PpSOTi | Prupe.8G101500 | BAD42343 | MdSOT3 | 72 | |
蔗糖转运蛋白(SUT) | PpSUTa | Prupe.1G271500 | AT2G02860 | AtSUT2 | 72 |
Sucrose transporter | PpSUTb | Prupe.1G542000 | AT1G09960 | AtSUT4 | 73 |
PpSUTc | Prupe.8G052700 | AT1G22710 | AtSUT1 | 68 | |
液泡膜单糖转运蛋白(TMT) | PpTMTa | Prupe.5G006300 | AT4G35300 | AtTMT2 | 70 |
Tonoplast monosaccharide transporter | PpTMTb | Prupe.7G186000 | AT3G51490 | AtTMT3 | 64 |
多元醇/单糖转运蛋白(PMT) | PpPMTa | Prupe.8G105300 | AT3G18830 | AtPMT5 | 69 |
Polyol/Monosaccharide transporter | PpPMTb | Prupe.8G105400 | AT3G18830 | AtPMT5 | 69 |
PpPMTc | Prupe.8G105500 | AT3G18830 | AtPMT5 | 69 | |
PpPMTd | Prupe.8G105600 | AT3G18830 | AtPMT5 | 69 | |
PpPMTe | Prupe.8G101200 | AT4G36670 | AtPMT6 | 71 | |
PpPMTf | Prupe.7G152100 | AT3G18830 | AtPMT5 | 69 | |
糖转运蛋白(STP) | PpSTPa | Prupe.4G037800 | AT1G11260 | AtSTP1 | 83 |
Sugar transporter protein | PpSTPb | Prupe.1G070800 | AT3G19940 | AtSTP10 | 69 |
PpSTPc | Prupe.1G070900 | AT1G50310 | AtSTP9 | 69 | |
PpSTPd | Prupe.1G156300 | AT5G26340 | AtSTP13 | 84 | |
SWEET蛋白(SWEET) | PpSWEET1 | Prupe.6G355900 | AT2G39060 | AtSWEET9 | 62 |
Sugar will eventually be | PpSWEET2 | Prupe.1G220700 | AT5G13170 | AtSWEET15 | 63 |
exported transporter | PpSWEET3 | Prupe.8G253500 | AT2G39060 | AtSWEET9 | 55 |
(余彩云 等, | PpSWEET4 | Prupe.1G133300 | AT4G15920 | AtSWEET17 | 62 |
PpSWEET5 | Prupe.5G146500 | AT5G50790 | AtSWEET10 | 55 | |
PpSWEET6 | Prupe.3G283400 | AT5G62850 | AtSWEET5 | 56 | |
PpSWEET7 | Prupe.8G076100 | AT5G62850 | AtSWEET5 | 69 | |
PpSWEET8 | Prupe.3G034900 | AT5G62850 | AtSWEET5 | 68 | |
PpSWEET9 | Prupe.5G125100 | AT4G10850 | AtSWEET7 | 54 | |
PpSWEET10 | Prupe.8G017400 | AT1G21460 | AtSWEET1 | 64 | |
PpSWEET11 | Prupe.5G146400 | AT5G23660 | AtSWEET12 | 56 | |
PpSWEET12 | Prupe.4G155700 | AT3G14770 | AtSWEET2 | 66 | |
PpSWEET13 | Prupe.4G072300 | AT3G14770 | AtSWEET2 | 64 | |
PpSWEET14 | Prupe.2G118600 | AT4G15920 | AtSWEET17 | 50 | |
PpSWEET15 | Prupe.5G175500 | AT5G62850 | AtSWEET5 | 64 | |
PpSWEET16 | Prupe.2G245600 | AT2G39060 | AtSWEET9 | 55 | |
PpSWEET17 | Prupe.2G307800 | AT5G53190 | AtSWEET3 | 50 |
图2 桃外源山梨醇处理相关糖代谢基因表达变化 A:对照叶片;B:处理叶片;C:对照果肉;D:处理果肉。UDPG:尿苷二磷酸葡萄糖;G-6-P:葡萄糖-6-磷酸;F-6-P:果糖-6-磷酸。糖代谢酶及基因缩写同表1。*代表处理基因表达与对照有显著差异。上下箭头表示基因表达上调或下调。下同。
Fig. 2 Sugar-metabolizing genes expression changes caused by exogenous sorbitol treatments A:Leaves of control group;B:Leaves of sorbitol treatment group;C:Fruit flesh of control group;D:Fruit flesh of sorbitol treatment group. UDPG:Uridine-5'-diphosphoglucose;G-6-P:Glucose-6-phosphate;F-6-P:Fructose -6-phosphate. Sugar-metabolizing enzymes and their genes abbreviated as Table 1 showed. * represent the significant differences between treatment and control groups. Arrow-up or arrow-down tags indicate that corresponding genes were significantly upregulated or downregulated. The same below.
图3 桃外源山梨醇处理相关糖转运子基因表达变化 糖转运子基因缩写同表2。
Fig. 3 Sugar-transporting genes expression changes caused by exogenous sorbitol treatments Sugar transporter genes abbreviated as Table 2 showed.
图4 糖含量与糖代谢基因(a)和糖转运基因(b)表达量典型关联分析 虚线箭符表示置换检验检测约束性排序模型的显著性P > 0.05,其他实线箭头代表P < 0.05。A:对照叶片;B:处理叶片;C:对照果肉;D:处理果肉。
Fig. 4 Canonical correlation analyses of datas between sugar contents and gene expression in sugar-metabolism(a)and sugar-transport(b)processes In this diagram,dashed-line arrows designate the significance of permutation tests for constrained ordination model P > 0.05,while other line arrows indicate the significance P < 0.05. A:Leaves of control group;B:Leaves of sorbitol treatment group;C:Fruit flesh of control group;D:Fruit flesh of sorbitol treatment group.
图5 山梨醇处理桃叶片和果肉差异表达基因KEGG代谢途径富集分析
Fig. 5 KEGG-based metabolic pathway enrichment analyses of differentially expressed genes in leaves and fruit flesh after sorbitol treatment
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