
园艺学报 ›› 2020, Vol. 47 ›› Issue (8): 1541-1551.doi: 10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2019-0732

• 研究报告 • 上一篇    下一篇


史红梅1,2,张正文3,王 哲1,韩晓梅1,王咏梅1,2,任凤山1,2,*,宫 磊1   

  1. 1山东省葡萄研究院,济南 250100;2山东省葡萄栽培与精深加工工程研究中心,济南 250100;3君顶酒庄有限公司,山东蓬莱 265607
  • 出版日期:2020-08-25 发布日期:2020-08-25
  • 基金资助:

Comparative Analysis on Phenolic Compounds Among Different Clones of Vitis vinifera‘Cabernet Franc’

SHI Hongmei1,2,ZHANG Zhengwen3,WANG Zhe1,HAN Xiaomei1,WANG Yongmei1,2,REN Fengshan1,2,*,and GONG Lei1   

  1. SHI Hongmei1,2,ZHANG Zhengwen3,WANG Zhe1,HAN Xiaomei1,WANG Yongmei1,2,REN Fengshan1,2,*,and GONG Lei1
  • Online:2020-08-25 Published:2020-08-25

摘要: 筛选山东蓬莱产区酿酒葡萄‘品丽珠’黄烷醇、花色素苷含量较高的优良营养系,以期为发挥其酿酒性能提供理论依据。以蓬莱产区品丽珠母本及3个芽变营养系(214、327、623)为试材,采用分光光度计法分析葡萄果皮和种子中总酚、总单宁、总花色素含量,利用高效液相色谱法分析酚酸类、黄酮醇类、黄烷醇类、花色苷单体及白藜芦醇含量。研究结果表明,黄烷醇是种子和果皮中主要的单体酚,其中儿茶素含量最高;二甲花翠素葡萄糖苷是果皮中主要的花色苷。在相同的栽培管理条件和自然条件下,品丽珠不同营养系间的酚类物质差异较明显,相同营养系不同年份间也有显著差异。其中营养系623果皮和种子的总酚、种子的单宁和黄烷醇以及果皮和种子中的酚酸类、单体花色苷含量显著高于其他营养系和母本。

关键词: 葡萄, 营养系, 黄酮醇类, 黄烷醇类, 花色苷

Abstract: This study is aimed to screen the excellent Vitis vinifera‘Cabernet Franc’clone with higher contents of flavanol and anthocyanin so as to provide a theoretical basis for the breeding of wine grapes in Penglai regions. Cabernet Franc and 3 grapevine clones(214,327,623)in Penglai region were selected as the test samples to determine the contents of the total phenol,total tannin,and total anthocyanidins in grape skin and seeds through spectrophotometer method. In the meantime,contents of phenolic acids,flavonols,flavanols,anthocyanins,and resveratrol were measured by high performance liquid chromatography(HPLC). The results showed that flavanol was the main type of monomeric phenols and the content of catechin was the highest. The malvidin-3-O-glucoside was the main anthocyanin. Under the same cultivation and management conditions as well as the natural conditions,significant differences were found in phenolic substances among different clones of Cabernet Franc. In addition,obvious differences were observed in the same clones of different cultivation years. Thereinto,the total phenolic content in the skin and seeds,the total tannin,and flavanol in the seed,as well as the phenolic acid and monomer anthocyanin content in the skin and seed were significantly higher in the 623 clone than other grape clones,indicating that the performance of clone 623 was better than that of the clones and Cabernet Franc.

Key words: grape, clone, flavonols, flavanols, anthocyanin
