
园艺学报 ›› 2011, Vol. 38 ›› Issue (3): 457-465.

• 蔬菜 • 上一篇    下一篇


边 江,高志奎*   

  1. 河北农业大学园艺学院,河北保定 071000
  • 收稿日期:2010-10-25 修回日期:2011-03-07 出版日期:2011-03-25 发布日期:2011-03-25
  • 通讯作者: 高志奎

Dynamic Response of Photosynthetic System to Light Intensity Step Change on Tomato Leaf

BIAN Jiang and GAO Zhi-kui*   

  1. College of Horticulture,Agricultural University of Hebei,Baoding,Hebei 071000,China
  • Received:2010-10-25 Revised:2011-03-07 Online:2011-03-25 Published:2011-03-25
  • Contact: GAO Zhi-kui

摘要: 在蓝光LED照射光强阶跃与反阶跃下,采用CIRAS-2光合测试系统和QE65000光纤光谱仪,同步测试分析了番茄叶片光合系统的CO2吸收速率Pn、胞间CO2浓度Ci、气孔导度Gs、叶绿素荧光F680参数的动态响应。光强发生阶跃升高时,各阶跃阶点或起点下番茄叶片Pn动态进程均呈现从原稳态到终稳态趋饱和增加趋势,Ci均与Pn呈镜像对称的变化趋势,Gs均呈现轻微的先下降后回升的变化趋势,F680均呈现轻微起伏式骤然升高趋势;而光强发生反阶跃下降时,各反阶跃落点或起点下番茄叶片Pn的动态进程均与光强阶跃升高时相反。在200 μmol • m-2 • s-1的相同阶跃量下,随着阶跃起点的增加,Pn从原稳态至终稳态的增幅逐渐减小。综合分析表明,在光强阶跃升高后,通过对叶绿素荧光F680动态变化计算的非饱和激发光下的实际光化学效率Y(II)′ 随着光强阶跃量的增加呈现趋饱和增加趋势,这表明与光能电子传递速率有关的光强水平阶跃升高会给光合碳吸收提供更多的能量驱动力,从而表现出Pn从原稳态到终稳态的趋饱和增加;而在光强阶跃升高后Gs均维持在较高水平,虽在很短时间内有小幅下降波动,但是对CO2进入胞间以及Pn的动态进程无显著影响;可是在光强阶跃升高后Ci下降幅度较大,与光合暗反应对胞间CO2的快速吸收消耗有关,会对Pn的动态进程有一定程度影响。

关键词: 番茄, 动态光合, 光强阶跃, 叶绿素荧光

Abstract: With the step or anti-step change of blue light-emitting diode on tomato leaf,the dynamic course of the photosynthetic parameters including photosynthetic rate(Pn),intercellular CO2 concentration (Ci),stomatal conductance(Gs)measured by using a CIRAS-2 of PP system and chlorophyll fluorescence deriving from 680 nm(F680)measured by using Fiber Optic Spectrometerinstrument(QE65000)were recorded and analyzed. When the intensity of blue light step rose,the dynamic process of rise-saturated trend for Pn,symmetrical trend for Ci as comparison with Pn,firstly decline then raise for Gs,as well as rapid increase for F680 from original stabilized state phases to new stabilized state phases were observed under each starting point or order point of light intensity. However,the opposite dynamic process for Pn,Gs,Ci and F680 were presented as comparison with step-rise of blue light under the intensity of blue lightanti-step reduced. With the increasing of strating point,the incrasing amplitude of Pn from original stabilized state phases to new stabilized statephases was gradually reduced under the same stepping quantum 200 μmol • m-2 • s-1. According to the above analysis,the results showed that insignificant effect of Gs on the dynamic process of Pn and diffuseness of CO2 into intercellular space,because the Gs was maintained at a high level with a slight decline for a short time after step rising of light intensity. The greater reduce of Ci owing to fast absorption and consumption by photosynthetic dark reaction remarkable impacted the dynamic course of Pn. And the actual light quantum yiled of PSⅡY(II)′ which calculated by dynamic changes of chlorophyll fluorescence F680 under unsaturated stimulate light show increasing trend of saturation with the increasing of light intensity step,this shows that the increasing of light intensity levels related to light electronic transfer rate provide more energy driving force for the regeneration of 1,5-ribulose bisphosphate(RuBP),so the Pn show a increasing trend from the original to the final steady state.

Key words: tomato, dynamic photosynthesis, light intensity step, chlorophyll fluorescence
