园艺学报 ›› 2022, Vol. 49 ›› Issue (4): 924-934.doi: 10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2021-0126
沈植国1,2, 张琳1,*(), 袁德义1,*(
), 程建明2
SHEN Zhiguo1,2, ZHANG Lin1,*(), YUAN Deyi1,*(
), CHENG Jianming2
蜡梅(Chimonanthus praecox)花的整体颜色主要由中被片决定,总体上较为单调。总结了蜡梅花色表型及品种分类、花色成分及合成途径、花色呈色分子机制及关键基因等研究成果,并对新资源类型红花蜡梅的选育与性状及变色过程等进行了综述。
沈植国, 张琳, 袁德义, 程建明. 蜡梅花色及其红花新资源研究进展[J]. 园艺学报, 2022, 49(4): 924-934.
SHEN Zhiguo, ZHANG Lin, YUAN Deyi, CHENG Jianming. Research Progress on Flower Color and New Red Flower Resource of Wintersweets(Chimonanthus praecox)[J]. Acta Horticulturae Sinica, 2022, 49(4): 924-934.
图2 红花蜡梅品种类型
Fig. 2 Variety types of red flower wintersweets a: Red flower wintersweet(Chimonanthus praecox‘Hongyun’);b:Elite clone of red flower wintersweet(Chimonanthus praecox‘Honghua 2’).
图3 素心蜡梅花后期变色现象(a)和红心蜡梅花后期变色现象(b)
Fig. 3 The coloration change of Chimonanthus praecox var. concolor(a)and C. praecox var. intermedius(b)flower at the later stage observed by the authors
图4 ‘鸿运’蜡梅开花过程及花被片变色进程 a:花期植株;b:鳞芽萌动期;c:绿蕾初期;d:绿蕾末期;e:黄蕾期;f:露瓣期;g:初开期;h:盛开期。
Fig. 4 Flowering process and tepal discoloration of Chimonanthus praecox‘Hongyun’ a:The plant in the flowering period;b:Sprout period of scale bud;c:Early period of green bud;d:Late period of green bud;e:Yellow bud period;f:Tepal-displaying period;g:Initiated bloom period;h:Bloom period.
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