
园艺学报 ›› 2007, Vol. 34 ›› Issue (1): 47-52.

• 果树 • 上一篇    下一篇


张 东1; 舒 群2*; 滕元文1*; 仇明华2; 鲍 露1; 胡红菊3   

  1. (1 浙江大学园艺系, 农业部园艺植物生长发育与生物技术重点开放实验室, 杭州310029; 2 云南省农业科学院园艺研究所, 昆明650205; 3 湖北省农业科学院果树茶叶研究所, 武汉430209)
  • 收稿日期:1900-01-01 修回日期:1900-01-01 出版日期:2007-02-25 发布日期:2007-02-25

Simple Sequence Repeat Analysis on Genetic Assessment of Chinese RedSkinned Sand Pear Cultivars

ZHANG Dong1; SHU Qun2*; TENG Yuan-wen1*; QIU Ming-hua2; BAO Lu1; HU Hong-ju3   

  1. (1 Departm ent of Horticulture, Zhejiang University, the State Agricultural M inistry Laboratory of Horticultural Plant Growth,Development & Biotechnology, Hangzhou 310029, China; 2 Institute of Horticulture, Yunnan Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Kunming 650205, China; 3 Institute of Friut and Tea, Hubei Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Wuhan 430209, China)
  • Received:1900-01-01 Revised:1900-01-01 Online:2007-02-25 Published:2007-02-25

摘要: 采用SSR (Simp le sequence repeat) 标记技术对29个砂梨品种或类型(主要为红皮型) 做了鉴
定, 并对其亲缘关系进行了分析。6对SSR引物(BGA35、KU10、BGT23b、NH004a、NH011b和NH015a)
显示了良好的品种鉴定能力。除3对品种或类型可能为同物异名或芽变类型无法区分开外, 6对引物组合可
以成功地鉴定其它品种。聚类分析可以将29个砂梨品种(类型) 明显分成4个组。第Ⅰ组全部来自云南, 其
中包括2个绿皮砂梨品种, 其余为红皮砂梨, 说明该组内红皮砂梨的祖先可能与这些绿皮砂梨亲缘关系很近。
在第Ⅱ、Ⅲ组中, 来自四川会理的红梨品种和云南的红梨品种交叉组合, 可能是两地间品种交流的历史反映。
第Ⅳ组中来自四川会理的‘香酥梨’、‘栽秧梨’, 原产云南弥渡的‘弥渡香酥梨’以及原产云南丽江的

关键词: 砂梨, SSR, 品种鉴定, 亲缘关系

Abstract: A total of 29 sand pear germp lasm (mainly red skinned) native to southwest of China were
subjected to simp le sequence repeat ( SSR) analysis. Six pairs of SSR p rimers (BGA35, KU10, BGT23b,
NH004a, NH011b and NH015a) could generate a large number of alleles. The p rimer NH004a, which p ro
duced the highest allele numbers and the most effective alleles, and high heterozygosity and Shannon informa
tion index, showed the best identification power. Using six pairs of SSR p rimers, all accessions or types could
be distinguished excep t for three pairs of cultivars, which might belong to the synonymy cases or bud mutants.
Twenty nine pear accessions could be divided into fourmajor group s obviously based on the UPGMA cluster a
nalysis. Group Ⅰ consisted of cultivars all native to Yunnan p rovince, including two green and nine red
skinned sand pears, inferring a near genetic relationship between the red and green skinned pears. In groups
Ⅱand Ⅲ, the red skinned pears from Huili County of Sichuan Province and from Yunnan Province mingled to
gether, which might suggest cultivarmovement from Yuannan to Sichuan. In group Ⅳ, not onlywere Xiangsu
li and Zaiyangli from Huili County of Sichuan Province, Midu Xiangsuli and Changshui Huobali native to Yun
nan Province not closely clustered, but also were far from other groups. Huobali pear types distributed in Yun
nan and Sichuan p rovincesmight have different origins. The results above indicates large genetic diversity of
germp lasm resources of red skinned sand pear cultivars in China

Key words: Sand pear, SSR, Cultivar identification, Genetic relationship