
园艺学报 ›› 2006, Vol. 33 ›› Issue (2): 272-277.

• 研究论文 • 上一篇    下一篇

CO2 和温度对网纹甜瓜群体光合作用的影响


  1. (1 上海交通大学农业与生物学院, 上海201101; 2 新疆农业科学院园艺作物研究所, 新疆830000; 3 上海农业科学院环境科学研究所, 上海201106)
  • 收稿日期:2005-10-15 修回日期:2005-12-27 出版日期:2006-04-25 发布日期:2006-04-25

Effects of CO2 and Tempera ture on Canopy Photosynthesis ofMuskmelon

Niu Qingliang1 , Huang Danfeng1 , Aierken·Yasheng2 , and Chen Chunhong3

  1. (1 School of Agriculture and B iology, Shanghai J iaotong University, Shanghai 201101, China; 2 Insititute of Horticultural Crops,X injiang Academ y of Agricultural Sciences, X injiang 830000, China; 3 Environm ent Science Research Laboratories, ShanghaiAcadem y of Agricultural Sciences, Shanghai 201106, China)
  • Received:2005-10-15 Revised:2005-12-27 Online:2006-04-25 Published:2006-04-25

摘要: 采用人工气候室和建立的作物群体光合作用测定分析体系, 研究了CO2、温度等环境因子对网纹甜瓜群体总光合速率( Pgc ) 的影响。结果表明, CO2 浓度升高显著提高了群体的初始光合效率(αc )和最大光合速率, 提高了甜瓜群体总光合速率, 当CO2 浓度由400 μmol·mol- 1增至700和1 000 μmol·mol- 1时, Pgc分别提高了30.1%和44.6% , 且强光照条件下, CO2 的促进效果更为明显; 温度对甜瓜群体光合作用影响明显, 高温降低了初始光化学效率, 在低CO2 浓度下提高了甜瓜群体的最大光合速率, 但高CO2 下受CO2 —温度互作的影响, 最大光合速率反而下降。初步确定了不同CO2 浓度和光照条件下获得最大群体光合速率的适宜温度。

关键词: 网纹甜瓜, 群体光合作用, CO2 浓度, 温度

Abstract: Calculation and analysis system were established for crop gross photosynthesis measurement in climate chambers and effects of climate factor on muskmelon (Cucumis melo var. reticulatus Naud. ) canopy photosynthesiswere studied. It indicated that elevated CO2 obviously increased gross photosynthesis ( Pgc ) ,especially under high radiation conditions. Pgc increased 30.1% and 44.6% when CO2 concentration rose from 400 to 700 and 1 000 μmol·mol- 1 respectively. Elevated CO2 also enhanced photochemical efficiency (αc ) and maximum gross photosynthesis rate ( Pgc, m ax ). Temperature had high influence on Pgc also, higher temperature reduced αc and Pgc, max increased under low CO2 condition, whereas it's different when CO2 concentration was heightened to a relative high level because of CO2—emperature interactions effect. Temperature that maximized Pgc at different CO2 and light conditions were calculated and determined as well in the experiment.

Key words: Muskmelon, Cucumis melo var. reticulatus Naud., Gross photosynthesis, CO2 , Temperature