园艺学报 ›› 2022, Vol. 49 ›› Issue (12): 2703-2721.doi: 10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2021-1064
许曈, 邵灵梅, 王小斌, 张润龙, 张凯靖, 夏宜平, 张佳平(), 李丹青(
XU Tong, SHAO Lingmei, WANG Xiaobin, ZHANG Runlong, ZHANG Kaijing, XIA Yiping, ZHANG Jiaping(), LI Danqing(
ZHANG Jiaping,LI Danqing
许曈, 邵灵梅, 王小斌, 张润龙, 张凯靖, 夏宜平, 张佳平, 李丹青. 多年生单子叶植物的越冬休眠研究进展[J]. 园艺学报, 2022, 49(12): 2703-2721.
XU Tong, SHAO Lingmei, WANG Xiaobin, ZHANG Runlong, ZHANG Kaijing, XIA Yiping, ZHANG Jiaping, LI Danqing. Research Progress on Winter Dormancy of Perennial Monocots[J]. Acta Horticulturae Sinica, 2022, 49(12): 2703-2721.
基因名称 Gene name | 基因全称 Full name of gene | 基本功能 Gene function | 研究物种 Research species | 验证方法 Verification method | 参考文献 Reference |
NCED | 9-cis-epoxycarotenoid dioxygenases | ABA生物合成 ABA biosynthesis | 唐菖蒲 Gladiolus hybridus | 基因沉默 Gene silencing | Wu et al., |
CYP707A1 | Cytochrome P450,Family 707,Subfamily A 1 | 参与ABA分解代谢途径 Involved in ABA catabolic pathway | 滇黄精 Polygonatum kingianum | 转录组分析 Transcriptome analysis | Wang et al., |
ABI5 | Abscisic acid-insensitive 5 | ABA信号调节因子 ABA signaling regulator | 唐菖蒲 Gladiolus hybridus | 基因沉默 Gene silencing | Wu et al., |
ABF | ABA-responsive element binding factors | ABA响应因子 ABA response factor | 柳枝稷 Panicum virgatum | 转录组分析 Transcriptome analysis | Palmer et al., |
PP2C | Protein phosphatase 2C | ABA信号转导因子 Regulators of ABA signal transduction | 柳枝稷 Panicum virgatum | 转录组分析 Transcriptome analysis | Palmer et al., |
PP2C1 | Protein phosphatase 2C 1 | ABA信号转导因子 Regulators of ABA signal transduction | 唐菖蒲 Gladiolus hybridus | 基因沉默 Gene silencing | Wu et al., |
PYL | Pyrabactin-like | ABA受体 ABA receptors | 柳枝稷 Panicum virgatum | 转录组分析 Transcriptome analysis | Palmer et al., |
NAC83 | NAC domain containing protein 83 | 促进ABA信号转导和合成 Positively regulates ABA signaling and biosynthesis | 唐菖蒲 Gladiolus hybridus | 基因沉默 Gene silencing | Wu et al., |
SnRK | Snf1-related protein kinase | ABA信号转导因子 Regulators of ABA signal transduction | 柳枝稷 Panicum virgatum | 转录组分析 Transcriptome analysis | Palmer et al., |
表1 参与多年生单子叶植物越冬休眠调控的ABA合成与信号转导基因
Table 1 Genes involved in ABA biosynthesis and signal transduction for the regulation of winter dormancy in perennial monocots
基因名称 Gene name | 基因全称 Full name of gene | 基本功能 Gene function | 研究物种 Research species | 验证方法 Verification method | 参考文献 Reference |
NCED | 9-cis-epoxycarotenoid dioxygenases | ABA生物合成 ABA biosynthesis | 唐菖蒲 Gladiolus hybridus | 基因沉默 Gene silencing | Wu et al., |
CYP707A1 | Cytochrome P450,Family 707,Subfamily A 1 | 参与ABA分解代谢途径 Involved in ABA catabolic pathway | 滇黄精 Polygonatum kingianum | 转录组分析 Transcriptome analysis | Wang et al., |
ABI5 | Abscisic acid-insensitive 5 | ABA信号调节因子 ABA signaling regulator | 唐菖蒲 Gladiolus hybridus | 基因沉默 Gene silencing | Wu et al., |
ABF | ABA-responsive element binding factors | ABA响应因子 ABA response factor | 柳枝稷 Panicum virgatum | 转录组分析 Transcriptome analysis | Palmer et al., |
PP2C | Protein phosphatase 2C | ABA信号转导因子 Regulators of ABA signal transduction | 柳枝稷 Panicum virgatum | 转录组分析 Transcriptome analysis | Palmer et al., |
PP2C1 | Protein phosphatase 2C 1 | ABA信号转导因子 Regulators of ABA signal transduction | 唐菖蒲 Gladiolus hybridus | 基因沉默 Gene silencing | Wu et al., |
PYL | Pyrabactin-like | ABA受体 ABA receptors | 柳枝稷 Panicum virgatum | 转录组分析 Transcriptome analysis | Palmer et al., |
NAC83 | NAC domain containing protein 83 | 促进ABA信号转导和合成 Positively regulates ABA signaling and biosynthesis | 唐菖蒲 Gladiolus hybridus | 基因沉默 Gene silencing | Wu et al., |
SnRK | Snf1-related protein kinase | ABA信号转导因子 Regulators of ABA signal transduction | 柳枝稷 Panicum virgatum | 转录组分析 Transcriptome analysis | Palmer et al., |
图2 代表性多年生单、双子叶植物中DAM/SVP基因的系统进化分析 杨树、葡萄、猕猴桃等基因组信息来源于Phytozome v13,鸢尾、蝴蝶花、百合、换锦花SVP蛋白序列来源于本实验室测序的转录组数据,唐菖蒲SVP蛋白序列来由NCBI中PRJNA491310数据拼接获得(Wu et al.,2019b)。选取拟南芥AtSVP作为对象,采用Blastp、Pfam搜索各物种中与其序列一致性较高的蛋白序列,运用mafft软件进行氨基酸序列比对,使用MEGA7.0以邻接法构建SVP蛋白的系统进化树。利用MEME在线软件进行蛋白保守结构域分析,得到16个保守基序,分别命名为Motif1 ~ Motif16。 Prupe:桃;Actinidia:美味猕猴桃;VIT:葡萄;Loh:东方百合;Ls:换锦花;IJ:蝴蝶花;GlaUn:唐菖蒲;IT:鸢尾;Aco:菠萝;GSMUA:香蕉;scaffold:无油樟;Nycol:蓝星睡莲;KAF:侏儒卢旺达睡莲。
Fig. 2 Phylogenetic analysis of DAM/SVP genes in representative perennial monocots and eudicots The genomic information of Populus trichocarpa,Vitis vinifera,Actinidia chinensis and other species in this evolutionary tree comes from Phytozome v13. The SVP protein sequence of Iris tectorum,I. japonica,Lilium oriental hybrid,and Lycoris sprengeri are derived from the transcriptome data sequenced by our laboratory,and the SVP protein sequence of Gladiolus gandavensis is derived from the data of PRJNA491310 in NCBI(Wu et al.,2019b). The Arabidopsis thaliana AtSVP protein was selected as the query,Blastp and pfam was used to identify homologs of SVP in the above species. Mafft software was used for amino acid sequence comparison,and then the phylogenetic tree of SVP protein was constructed using MEGA7.0 by the neighbor-joining method. Using MEME online software to analyze the protein conserved domains,16 conserved motifs were obtained,and named as Motif1-Motif16. Prupe:Prunus persica;Actinidia:Actinidia deliciosa;VIT:Vitis vinifera;Loh:Lilium oriental hybrid;Ls:Lycoris sprengeri;IJ:Iris japonica;GlaUn:Gladiolus × gandavensis;IT:Iris tectorum;Aco:Ananas comosus; GSMUA:Musa nana;scaffold:Amborella trichopoda;Nycol:Nymphaea colorata;KAF:Nymphaea thermarum.
图3 DAM/SVP基因和ABA介导的多年生单、双子叶植物越冬休眠分子调控模型 虚线:间接调控或不确定途径;橙色:多年生单子叶植物越冬休眠分子调控途径;绿色:多年生双子叶植物越冬休眠分子调控途径。
Fig. 3 DAM/SVP gene and ABA-mediated molecular regulation model of winter dormancy in perennial monocots and eudicots Dashed line:Indirect regulation or indeterminate pathway;Orange:Molecular regulation pathway of winter dormancy in perennial monocots;Green:Molecular regulation pathway of winter dormancy in perennial eudicots.
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