园艺学报 ›› 2022, Vol. 49 ›› Issue (11): 2455-2470.doi: 10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2021-0876
吴致君1,5, 李伟2, 王兴华3, 张成2, 蒋勋4, 黎盛1, 罗理勇1,5, 孙康1,5,*(), 曾亮1,5,*(
WU Zhijun1,5, LI Wei2, WANG Xinghua3, ZHANG Cheng2, JIANG Xun4, LI Sheng1, LUO Liyong1,5, SUN Kang1,5,*(), ZENG Liang1,5,*(
SUN Kang,ZENG Liang
为了进一步探究子房室数不稳定(子房无毛、3 ~ 5室、花柱3 ~ 5裂)茶组(section Thea)居群种质(UONG)的亲缘关系,明确居群内个体的变异是否引起了种间变异,以重庆、云南及其他部分省份87个山茶属茶组和非茶组植物(外类群对照)种质为材料,利用SLAF-seq技术进行简化基因组测序和分子标记分析。测序共获得2 804 071个SALF标签,平均测序深度为11.73×。通过SALF标签比对参考基因组,共获得25 069 219个群体SNP分子标记。基于高一致性SNP数据,系统发育树、遗传结构和PCA分析等方法均将调查种质分为3种类型,即云南等的茶组和非茶组种质(Ⅰ类)、重庆大茶树居群种质(Ⅱ类)和多个省份来源的茶系(常见栽培种和‘川小种’)种质(Ⅲ类)。Ⅰ类种质中茶组植物,包含了五室茶系、五柱茶系、秃房茶系和茶系种质。Ⅱ类种质由UONG和茶系种质(形态特征介于UONG与常见茶系种质之间)组成。此外,遗传分化系数FST表明,Ⅱ类种质与其他几类种质遗传分化程度最高(> 0.3),Ⅰ类与Ⅲ类种质之间也存在较高的遗传分化(> 0.2)。简化基因组测序分类结果和FST值表明,调查的UONG为一类相对独立种质,居群内个体的变异并未引起种间变异。因此,将该类种质归入到一个种下的处理较为合理。此外,在重庆地区存在一类与UONG遗传结构交叉的茶系种质,可能为自然远缘杂交后代。
吴致君, 李伟, 王兴华, 张成, 蒋勋, 黎盛, 罗理勇, 孙康, 曾亮. 基于SLAF-seq的茶组子房室数不稳定居群种质亲缘关系分析[J]. 园艺学报, 2022, 49(11): 2455-2470.
WU Zhijun, LI Wei, WANG Xinghua, ZHANG Cheng, JIANG Xun, LI Sheng, LUO Liyong, SUN Kang, ZENG Liang. Genetic Relationship Analysis of the Population Germplasms of Section Thea with Unstable Ovary Locule Number Based on SLAF-seq[J]. Acta Horticulturae Sinica, 2022, 49(11): 2455-2470.
来源地 Source | 种质名称 Germplasm name | 张宏达分类系统 Classification of Zhang Hongda | 闵天禄分类系统 Classification of Min Tianlu | 子房 室数 Locule number | 花柱柱头数 Stigma number | 有无毛 Hairy or not | 样本号 S ample ID | 测序号 BMK ID |
重庆北碚区 Beibei,Chongqing | 川小种 Chuanxiaozhong | 茶系 Ser. Sinenses | 茶 C. sinenses | 3 | 3 | 有Yes | BBCX1 | aj |
云南大叶种 Yunnan Large Leaf | 茶系 Ser. Sinenses | 茶 C. sinenses | 3 ~ 4 | 3 ~ 4 | 有Yes | BBYNDY1 | ai | |
七心白 Qixinbai | 红山茶组 Sect. Camellia | 山茶组 Sect. Camellia | - | - | - | CH | ab | |
茶梅 C. sasanqua | 油茶组 Sect. Oleifera | 油茶组 Sect. Paracamellia | - | - | - | CM | ac | |
来源地 Source | 种质名称 Germplasm name | 张宏达分类系统 Classification of Zhang Hongda | 闵天禄分类系统 Classification of Min Tianlu | 子房 室数 Locule number | 花柱柱头数 Stigma number | 有无毛 Hairy or not | 样本号 Sample ID | 测序号 BMK ID |
油茶 C. oleifera | 油茶组 Sect. Oleifera | 油茶组 Sect. Paracamellia | - | - | - | YC | bt | |
重庆江津区 Jiangjin,Chongqing | 江津大茶树 Big tea tree of Jiangjin | 秃房茶系 Ser. Gymnogynae | 疑似疏齿大厂茶 Suspected C. tachangensis var. remotiserrata | 3 ~ 4 | 3 ~ 4 | 无No | JJDS1 | df |
JJDS2 | dg | |||||||
JJDS3 | dh | |||||||
JJDS4 | di | |||||||
JJDS5 | dj | |||||||
JJDS6 | dk | |||||||
重庆南川区 Nanchuan,Chongqing | 南川大茶树 Big tea tree of Nanchuan | 秃房茶系 Ser. Gymnogynae | 疏齿大厂茶 C. tachangensis var. remotiserrata | 3 | 3 | 无No | NCDS26 | ax |
NCDS94 | bg | |||||||
3 ~ 4 | 3 ~ 4 | 无No | NCDS8 | bb | ||||
NCDS13 | ap | |||||||
NCDS14 | aq | |||||||
NCDS15 | ar | |||||||
NCDS24 | aw | |||||||
NCDS89 | bd | |||||||
NCDS93 | bf | |||||||
NCDS108 | bl | |||||||
NCDS109 | bm | |||||||
NCDS113 | an | |||||||
五室茶系 Ser. Guinquelocularis | 疏齿大厂茶 C. tachangensis var. remotiserrata | 3 ~ 5 | 3 ~ 5 | 无No | NCDS18 | at | ||
NCDS19 | au | |||||||
NCDS20 | av | |||||||
NCDS50 | ay | |||||||
NCDS52 | az | |||||||
NCDS88 | bc | |||||||
NCDS97 | bh | |||||||
NCDS111 | am | |||||||
疑似秃房茶/五室茶系 Suspected Ser. Gymnogynae/Ser. Guinquelocularis | 疑似疏齿大厂茶 Suspected C. tachangensis var. remotiserrata | - | - | - | NCDS107 | bk | ||
NCDS110 | ao | |||||||
茶系(疑似秃房茶系 与茶系杂交个体) Ser. Sinenses(suspected hybrid individuals of Ser. Gymnogynae and Ser. Sinense) | 茶(疑似疏齿大厂茶与茶杂交个体) C. sinenses(suspected hybrid individuals of C. tachangensis var. remotiserrata and C. sinenses) | 3 ~ 4 | 3 ~ 4 | 有Yes | NCDS17 | as | ||
NCDS53 | ba | |||||||
NCDS90 | be | |||||||
NCDS105 | bi | |||||||
- | - | - | NCDS106 | bj | ||||
川小种 Chuanxiaozhong | 茶系 Ser. Sinenses | 茶 C. sinenses | 3 | 3 | 有Yes | NCCX8 | br | |
NCCX18 | bp | |||||||
NCCX24 | bq | |||||||
3 ~ 4 | 3 ~ 4 | 有Yes | NCCX10 | bn | ||||
NCCX12 | bo | |||||||
重庆綦江区 Qijiang,Chongqing | 綦江大茶树 Big tea tree of Qijiang | 秃房茶系 Ser. Gymnogynae | 疏齿大厂茶 C. tachangensis var. remotiserrata | 3 ~ 4 | 3 ~ 4 | 无No | QJDS3 | de |
茶系(疑似秃房茶系 与茶系杂交个体) Ser. Sinenses(suspected hybrid individuals of Ser. Gymnogynae and Ser. Sinense) | 茶(疑似疏齿大厂茶与茶杂交个体) C. sinenses(suspected hybrid individuals of C. tachangensis var. remotiserrata and C. sinenses) | 3 ~ 4 | 3 ~ 4 | 有Yes | QJDS1 | dc | ||
QJDS2 | dd | |||||||
重庆酉阳县 Youyang,Chongqing | 酉阳黄叶 Youyang Huangye | 茶系 Ser. Sinenses | 茶 C. sinenses | 3 | 3 | 有Yes | YYHY | dl |
福建安溪县 Anxi,Fujian | 黄旦 Huangdan | 茶系 Ser. Sinenses | 茶 C. sinenses | 3 | 3 | 有Yes | HD | ae |
福建福安市 Fu'an,Fujian | 金冠茶 Jinguancha | 茶系 Ser. Sinenses | 茶 C. sinenses | 3 | 3 | 有Yes | JGC | ag |
金牡丹 Jinmudan | 茶系 Ser. Sinenses | 茶 C. sinenses | 3 | 3 | 有Yes | JMD | ah | |
来源地 Source | 种质名称 Germplasm name | 张宏达分类系统 Classification of Zhang Hongda | 闵天禄分类系统 Classification of Min Tianlu | 子房 室数 Locule number | 花柱柱头数 Stigma number | 有无毛 Hairy or not | 样本号 Sample ID | 测序号 BMK ID |
茗冠 Mingguan | 茶系 Ser. Sinenses | 茶 C. sinenses | 3 | 3 | 有Yes | MG | al | |
福建福鼎市 Fuding,Fujian | 福鼎大白茶 Fuding Dabaicha | 茶系 Ser. Sinenses | 茶 C. sinenses | 3 | 3 | 有Yes | FDDB | ad |
广西昭平县 Zhaoping,Guangxi | 突肋茶 C. costata | 秃房茶系 Ser. Gymnogynae | 秃房茶 C. gymnogyna | 3 | 3 | 无No | GXTLC | db |
湖南汝城县 Rucheng,Hunan | 汝城毛叶茶 C. pubescens | 茶系 Ser. Sinenses | 茶 C. sinenses | 3 | 3 | 有Yes | RCMYC | da |
云南昌宁县 Changning,Yunnan | 昌宁秃房茶 C. gymnogyna | 秃房茶系 Ser. Gymnogynae | 秃房茶 C. gymnogyna | 3 | 3 | 无No | CN1 | dm |
云南江城县 Jiangcheng,Yunnan | 白毛茶 C. pubilimba | 茶系 Ser. Sinenses | 茶 C. sinenses | 3 | 3 | 有Yes | JC06-003 | cs |
云南景东县 Jingdong,Yunnan | 茶 C. sinensis | 茶系 Ser. Sinenses | 茶 C. sinenses | 3 | 3 | 有Yes | JD06-009 | cw |
云南景谷县 Jinggu,Yunnan | 大苞茶 C. grandibracteata | 五室茶系 Ser. Guinquelocularis | 大苞茶 C. grandibracteata | 5 | 5 | 无No | JG06-041 | cp |
茶C. sinensis | 茶系Ser. Sinenses | 茶C. sinenses | 3 | 3 | 有Yes | JG06-049 | cy | |
JG06-048 | cx | |||||||
3 ~ 4 | 3 ~ 4 | 有Yes | JG06-035 | cz | ||||
云南澜沧县 Lancang,Yunnan | 普洱茶 C. assamica | 茶系 Ser. Sinenses | 茶 C. sinenses | 3 | 3 | 有Yes | LC06-003 | cq |
LC06-027 | ck | |||||||
云南勐海县 Menghai,Yunnan | 紫鹃 Zijuan | 茶系 Ser. Sinenses | 茶 C. sinenses | 3 | 3 | 有Yes | ZJ | bx |
云南墨江县 Mojiang,Yunnan | 普洱茶 C. assamica | 茶系 Ser. Sinenses | 茶 C. sinenses | 3 | 3 | 有Yes | MJ06-009 | ch |
MJ06-018 | ci | |||||||
云南宁洱县 Ning'er,Yunnan | 白毛茶 C. pubilimba | 茶系 Ser. Sinenses | 茶 C. sinenses | 3 | 3 | 有Yes | PR06-002 | ct |
云南思茅区 Simao,Yunnan | 普洱茶 C. assamica | 茶系 Ser. Sinenses | 茶 C. sinenses | 3 | 3 | 有Yes | CY06-008 | cj |
白毛茶 C. pubilimba | 茶系 Ser. Sinenses | 茶 C. sinenses | 3 | 3 | 有Yes | CY06-025 | cr | |
茶 C. sinensis | 茶系 Ser. Sinenses | 茶 C. sinenses | 3 | 3 | 有Yes | CY06-010 | cv | |
云南西盟县 Ximeng,Yunnan | 大理茶 C. taliensis | 五柱茶系 Ser. Pentastyla | 大理茶 C. taliensis | 5 | 5 | 有Yes | XM06-011 | by |
XM06-010 | bz | |||||||
XM06-015 | cb | |||||||
普洱茶 C. assamica | 茶系 Ser. Sinenses | 茶 C. sinenses | 3 | 3 | 有Yes | XM06-013 | ca | |
云南镇远县 Zhenyuan,Yunnan | 大理茶 C. taliensis | 五柱茶系 Ser. Pentastyla | 大理茶 C. taliensis | 5 | 5 | 有Yes | ZY06-001 | cc |
ZY06-003 | cd | |||||||
普洱茶 C. assamica | 茶系 Ser. Sinenses | 茶 C. sinenses | 3 | 3 | 有Yes | ZY06-033 | cf | |
3 ~ 4 | 3 ~ 4 | 有Yes | ZY06-019 | ce | ||||
ZY06-037 | cg | |||||||
茶 C. sinensis | 茶系 Ser. Sinenses | 茶 C. sinenses | 3 | 3 | 有Yes | ZY06-023 | cu | |
浙江嵊州市 Shengzhou,Zhejiang | 越黄1号/龙井早黄 Yuehuang 1/ Longjing Zaohuang | 茶系 Ser. Sinenses | 茶 C. sinenses | 3 | 3 | 有Yes | YH1 | bu |
LJZH | ak | |||||||
浙江安吉县 Anji,Zhejiang | 白叶1号 Baiye 1 | 茶系 Ser. Sinenses | 茶 C. sinenses | 3 | 3 | 有Yes | BY | aa |
浙江余姚市 Yuyao,Zhejiang | 黄金芽 Huangjinya | 茶系 Ser. Sinenses | 茶 C. sinenses | 3 | 3 | 有Yes | HJY | af |
浙江永嘉县 Yongjia,Zhejiang | 乌牛早 Wuniuzao | 茶系 Ser. Sinenses | 茶 C. sinenses | 3 | 3 | 有Yes | WNZ | bs |
浙江宁波市 Ningbo,Zhejiang | 郁金香 Yujinxiang | 茶系 Ser. Sinenses | 茶 C. sinenses | 3 | 3 | 有Yes | YJX | bv |
浙江缙云县 Jinyun,Zhejiang | 中黄2号 Zhonghuang 2 | 茶系 Ser. Sinenses | 茶 C. sinenses | 3 | 3 | 有Yes | ZH2 | bw |
表1 植物样本种质基本信息
Table 1 Germplasm basic information of plant samples
来源地 Source | 种质名称 Germplasm name | 张宏达分类系统 Classification of Zhang Hongda | 闵天禄分类系统 Classification of Min Tianlu | 子房 室数 Locule number | 花柱柱头数 Stigma number | 有无毛 Hairy or not | 样本号 S ample ID | 测序号 BMK ID |
重庆北碚区 Beibei,Chongqing | 川小种 Chuanxiaozhong | 茶系 Ser. Sinenses | 茶 C. sinenses | 3 | 3 | 有Yes | BBCX1 | aj |
云南大叶种 Yunnan Large Leaf | 茶系 Ser. Sinenses | 茶 C. sinenses | 3 ~ 4 | 3 ~ 4 | 有Yes | BBYNDY1 | ai | |
七心白 Qixinbai | 红山茶组 Sect. Camellia | 山茶组 Sect. Camellia | - | - | - | CH | ab | |
茶梅 C. sasanqua | 油茶组 Sect. Oleifera | 油茶组 Sect. Paracamellia | - | - | - | CM | ac | |
来源地 Source | 种质名称 Germplasm name | 张宏达分类系统 Classification of Zhang Hongda | 闵天禄分类系统 Classification of Min Tianlu | 子房 室数 Locule number | 花柱柱头数 Stigma number | 有无毛 Hairy or not | 样本号 Sample ID | 测序号 BMK ID |
油茶 C. oleifera | 油茶组 Sect. Oleifera | 油茶组 Sect. Paracamellia | - | - | - | YC | bt | |
重庆江津区 Jiangjin,Chongqing | 江津大茶树 Big tea tree of Jiangjin | 秃房茶系 Ser. Gymnogynae | 疑似疏齿大厂茶 Suspected C. tachangensis var. remotiserrata | 3 ~ 4 | 3 ~ 4 | 无No | JJDS1 | df |
JJDS2 | dg | |||||||
JJDS3 | dh | |||||||
JJDS4 | di | |||||||
JJDS5 | dj | |||||||
JJDS6 | dk | |||||||
重庆南川区 Nanchuan,Chongqing | 南川大茶树 Big tea tree of Nanchuan | 秃房茶系 Ser. Gymnogynae | 疏齿大厂茶 C. tachangensis var. remotiserrata | 3 | 3 | 无No | NCDS26 | ax |
NCDS94 | bg | |||||||
3 ~ 4 | 3 ~ 4 | 无No | NCDS8 | bb | ||||
NCDS13 | ap | |||||||
NCDS14 | aq | |||||||
NCDS15 | ar | |||||||
NCDS24 | aw | |||||||
NCDS89 | bd | |||||||
NCDS93 | bf | |||||||
NCDS108 | bl | |||||||
NCDS109 | bm | |||||||
NCDS113 | an | |||||||
五室茶系 Ser. Guinquelocularis | 疏齿大厂茶 C. tachangensis var. remotiserrata | 3 ~ 5 | 3 ~ 5 | 无No | NCDS18 | at | ||
NCDS19 | au | |||||||
NCDS20 | av | |||||||
NCDS50 | ay | |||||||
NCDS52 | az | |||||||
NCDS88 | bc | |||||||
NCDS97 | bh | |||||||
NCDS111 | am | |||||||
疑似秃房茶/五室茶系 Suspected Ser. Gymnogynae/Ser. Guinquelocularis | 疑似疏齿大厂茶 Suspected C. tachangensis var. remotiserrata | - | - | - | NCDS107 | bk | ||
NCDS110 | ao | |||||||
茶系(疑似秃房茶系 与茶系杂交个体) Ser. Sinenses(suspected hybrid individuals of Ser. Gymnogynae and Ser. Sinense) | 茶(疑似疏齿大厂茶与茶杂交个体) C. sinenses(suspected hybrid individuals of C. tachangensis var. remotiserrata and C. sinenses) | 3 ~ 4 | 3 ~ 4 | 有Yes | NCDS17 | as | ||
NCDS53 | ba | |||||||
NCDS90 | be | |||||||
NCDS105 | bi | |||||||
- | - | - | NCDS106 | bj | ||||
川小种 Chuanxiaozhong | 茶系 Ser. Sinenses | 茶 C. sinenses | 3 | 3 | 有Yes | NCCX8 | br | |
NCCX18 | bp | |||||||
NCCX24 | bq | |||||||
3 ~ 4 | 3 ~ 4 | 有Yes | NCCX10 | bn | ||||
NCCX12 | bo | |||||||
重庆綦江区 Qijiang,Chongqing | 綦江大茶树 Big tea tree of Qijiang | 秃房茶系 Ser. Gymnogynae | 疏齿大厂茶 C. tachangensis var. remotiserrata | 3 ~ 4 | 3 ~ 4 | 无No | QJDS3 | de |
茶系(疑似秃房茶系 与茶系杂交个体) Ser. Sinenses(suspected hybrid individuals of Ser. Gymnogynae and Ser. Sinense) | 茶(疑似疏齿大厂茶与茶杂交个体) C. sinenses(suspected hybrid individuals of C. tachangensis var. remotiserrata and C. sinenses) | 3 ~ 4 | 3 ~ 4 | 有Yes | QJDS1 | dc | ||
QJDS2 | dd | |||||||
重庆酉阳县 Youyang,Chongqing | 酉阳黄叶 Youyang Huangye | 茶系 Ser. Sinenses | 茶 C. sinenses | 3 | 3 | 有Yes | YYHY | dl |
福建安溪县 Anxi,Fujian | 黄旦 Huangdan | 茶系 Ser. Sinenses | 茶 C. sinenses | 3 | 3 | 有Yes | HD | ae |
福建福安市 Fu'an,Fujian | 金冠茶 Jinguancha | 茶系 Ser. Sinenses | 茶 C. sinenses | 3 | 3 | 有Yes | JGC | ag |
金牡丹 Jinmudan | 茶系 Ser. Sinenses | 茶 C. sinenses | 3 | 3 | 有Yes | JMD | ah | |
来源地 Source | 种质名称 Germplasm name | 张宏达分类系统 Classification of Zhang Hongda | 闵天禄分类系统 Classification of Min Tianlu | 子房 室数 Locule number | 花柱柱头数 Stigma number | 有无毛 Hairy or not | 样本号 Sample ID | 测序号 BMK ID |
茗冠 Mingguan | 茶系 Ser. Sinenses | 茶 C. sinenses | 3 | 3 | 有Yes | MG | al | |
福建福鼎市 Fuding,Fujian | 福鼎大白茶 Fuding Dabaicha | 茶系 Ser. Sinenses | 茶 C. sinenses | 3 | 3 | 有Yes | FDDB | ad |
广西昭平县 Zhaoping,Guangxi | 突肋茶 C. costata | 秃房茶系 Ser. Gymnogynae | 秃房茶 C. gymnogyna | 3 | 3 | 无No | GXTLC | db |
湖南汝城县 Rucheng,Hunan | 汝城毛叶茶 C. pubescens | 茶系 Ser. Sinenses | 茶 C. sinenses | 3 | 3 | 有Yes | RCMYC | da |
云南昌宁县 Changning,Yunnan | 昌宁秃房茶 C. gymnogyna | 秃房茶系 Ser. Gymnogynae | 秃房茶 C. gymnogyna | 3 | 3 | 无No | CN1 | dm |
云南江城县 Jiangcheng,Yunnan | 白毛茶 C. pubilimba | 茶系 Ser. Sinenses | 茶 C. sinenses | 3 | 3 | 有Yes | JC06-003 | cs |
云南景东县 Jingdong,Yunnan | 茶 C. sinensis | 茶系 Ser. Sinenses | 茶 C. sinenses | 3 | 3 | 有Yes | JD06-009 | cw |
云南景谷县 Jinggu,Yunnan | 大苞茶 C. grandibracteata | 五室茶系 Ser. Guinquelocularis | 大苞茶 C. grandibracteata | 5 | 5 | 无No | JG06-041 | cp |
茶C. sinensis | 茶系Ser. Sinenses | 茶C. sinenses | 3 | 3 | 有Yes | JG06-049 | cy | |
JG06-048 | cx | |||||||
3 ~ 4 | 3 ~ 4 | 有Yes | JG06-035 | cz | ||||
云南澜沧县 Lancang,Yunnan | 普洱茶 C. assamica | 茶系 Ser. Sinenses | 茶 C. sinenses | 3 | 3 | 有Yes | LC06-003 | cq |
LC06-027 | ck | |||||||
云南勐海县 Menghai,Yunnan | 紫鹃 Zijuan | 茶系 Ser. Sinenses | 茶 C. sinenses | 3 | 3 | 有Yes | ZJ | bx |
云南墨江县 Mojiang,Yunnan | 普洱茶 C. assamica | 茶系 Ser. Sinenses | 茶 C. sinenses | 3 | 3 | 有Yes | MJ06-009 | ch |
MJ06-018 | ci | |||||||
云南宁洱县 Ning'er,Yunnan | 白毛茶 C. pubilimba | 茶系 Ser. Sinenses | 茶 C. sinenses | 3 | 3 | 有Yes | PR06-002 | ct |
云南思茅区 Simao,Yunnan | 普洱茶 C. assamica | 茶系 Ser. Sinenses | 茶 C. sinenses | 3 | 3 | 有Yes | CY06-008 | cj |
白毛茶 C. pubilimba | 茶系 Ser. Sinenses | 茶 C. sinenses | 3 | 3 | 有Yes | CY06-025 | cr | |
茶 C. sinensis | 茶系 Ser. Sinenses | 茶 C. sinenses | 3 | 3 | 有Yes | CY06-010 | cv | |
云南西盟县 Ximeng,Yunnan | 大理茶 C. taliensis | 五柱茶系 Ser. Pentastyla | 大理茶 C. taliensis | 5 | 5 | 有Yes | XM06-011 | by |
XM06-010 | bz | |||||||
XM06-015 | cb | |||||||
普洱茶 C. assamica | 茶系 Ser. Sinenses | 茶 C. sinenses | 3 | 3 | 有Yes | XM06-013 | ca | |
云南镇远县 Zhenyuan,Yunnan | 大理茶 C. taliensis | 五柱茶系 Ser. Pentastyla | 大理茶 C. taliensis | 5 | 5 | 有Yes | ZY06-001 | cc |
ZY06-003 | cd | |||||||
普洱茶 C. assamica | 茶系 Ser. Sinenses | 茶 C. sinenses | 3 | 3 | 有Yes | ZY06-033 | cf | |
3 ~ 4 | 3 ~ 4 | 有Yes | ZY06-019 | ce | ||||
ZY06-037 | cg | |||||||
茶 C. sinensis | 茶系 Ser. Sinenses | 茶 C. sinenses | 3 | 3 | 有Yes | ZY06-023 | cu | |
浙江嵊州市 Shengzhou,Zhejiang | 越黄1号/龙井早黄 Yuehuang 1/ Longjing Zaohuang | 茶系 Ser. Sinenses | 茶 C. sinenses | 3 | 3 | 有Yes | YH1 | bu |
LJZH | ak | |||||||
浙江安吉县 Anji,Zhejiang | 白叶1号 Baiye 1 | 茶系 Ser. Sinenses | 茶 C. sinenses | 3 | 3 | 有Yes | BY | aa |
浙江余姚市 Yuyao,Zhejiang | 黄金芽 Huangjinya | 茶系 Ser. Sinenses | 茶 C. sinenses | 3 | 3 | 有Yes | HJY | af |
浙江永嘉县 Yongjia,Zhejiang | 乌牛早 Wuniuzao | 茶系 Ser. Sinenses | 茶 C. sinenses | 3 | 3 | 有Yes | WNZ | bs |
浙江宁波市 Ningbo,Zhejiang | 郁金香 Yujinxiang | 茶系 Ser. Sinenses | 茶 C. sinenses | 3 | 3 | 有Yes | YJX | bv |
浙江缙云县 Jinyun,Zhejiang | 中黄2号 Zhonghuang 2 | 茶系 Ser. Sinenses | 茶 C. sinenses | 3 | 3 | 有Yes | ZH2 | bw |
图1 重庆调查代表种质类型 A:子房室数不稳定茶组居群种质(UONG);B:疑似UONG与茶系种质杂交个体。
Fig. 1 Representative germplasm types investigated in Chongqing A. The population germplasms of section Thea with unstable ovary locule number(UONG);B. Suspected hybrid individuals of UONG and Ser. Sinenses germplasms.
样本编号 Sample ID | SLAF 数量 SLAF number | 平均深度/× Average depth | SNP 数量 SNP number | 完整性/% Integrity | 杂合率/% Heter ratio |
BY1 | 414 220 | 5.55 | 6 454 305 | 25.75 | 3.34 |
CH | 250 085 | 9.56 | 3 929 083 | 15.67 | 6.47 |
CM | 332 076 | 8.02 | 4 926 261 | 19.65 | 10.57 |
FDDB | 481 959 | 8.10 | 7 351 225 | 29.32 | 4.46 |
HD | 506 591 | 8.91 | 7 763 226 | 30.97 | 4.14 |
HJY | 486 495 | 8.03 | 7 480 906 | 29.84 | 3.99 |
JGC | 459 171 | 8.25 | 7 190 058 | 28.68 | 4.13 |
JMD | 449 894 | 7.43 | 7 142 843 | 28.49 | 3.96 |
BBYNDY1 | 428 896 | 7.95 | 7 029 547 | 28.04 | 4.55 |
BBCX1 | 461 256 | 10.3 | 7 211 715 | 28.77 | 3.92 |
LJZH | 474 604 | 8.54 | 7 419 029 | 29.59 | 3.75 |
MG | 461 136 | 7.34 | 7 384 539 | 29.46 | 4.10 |
NCDS111 | 291 238 | 8.10 | 5 453 610 | 21.75 | 3.38 |
NCDS113 | 320 219 | 10.52 | 5 890 530 | 23.50 | 3.61 |
NCDS110 | 324 279 | 9.68 | 5 970 167 | 23.81 | 3.53 |
NCDS13 | 339 038 | 11.17 | 6 099 118 | 24.33 | 3.71 |
NCDS14 | 308 380 | 12.69 | 5 565 239 | 22.20 | 3.63 |
NCDS15 | 323 666 | 11.57 | 5 833 824 | 23.27 | 3.75 |
NCDS17 | 448 147 | 8.76 | 7 351 167 | 29.32 | 4.48 |
NCDS18 | 326 089 | 9.15 | 5 961 543 | 23.78 | 3.37 |
NCDS19 | 260 316 | 9.02 | 4 803 209 | 19.16 | 2.83 |
NCDS20 | 282 640 | 9.73 | 5 134 816 | 20.48 | 3.17 |
NCDS24 | 293 598 | 10.38 | 5 272 901 | 21.03 | 3.32 |
NCDS26 | 328 771 | 10.99 | 5 940 411 | 23.70 | 3.48 |
NCDS50 | 368 320 | 13.21 | 6 541 063 | 26.09 | 3.87 |
NCDS52 | 347 655 | 11.97 | 6 253 213 | 24.94 | 3.65 |
NCDS53 | 444 298 | 8.03 | 7 375 079 | 29.42 | 4.49 |
NCDS8 | 292 326 | 9.71 | 5 303 949 | 21.16 | 3.22 |
NCDS88 | 309 393 | 9.74 | 5 542 995 | 22.11 | 3.42 |
NCDS89 | 320 760 | 9.42 | 5 790 379 | 23.10 | 3.53 |
NCDS90 | 575 792 | 11.92 | 8 983 398 | 35.83 | 5.31 |
NCDS93 | 338 289 | 10.75 | 5 949 992 | 23.73 | 3.69 |
NCDS94 | 344 422 | 10.80 | 6 151 755 | 24.54 | 3.74 |
NCDS97 | 270 397 | 7.26 | 4 931 892 | 19.67 | 3.07 |
NCDS105 | 596 526 | 15.27 | 9 113 088 | 36.35 | 5.41 |
NCDS106 | 448 437 | 13.71 | 7 229 172 | 28.84 | 4.44 |
NCDS107 | 483 678 | 21.66 | 7 990 956 | 31.88 | 4.66 |
NCDS108 | 400 903 | 16.93 | 6 815 528 | 27.19 | 4.16 |
NCDS109 | 451 745 | 18.89 | 7 560 007 | 30.16 | 4.49 |
NCCX10 | 446 271 | 9.38 | 6 912 577 | 27.57 | 3.81 |
NCCX12 | 386 912 | 7.78 | 6 075 948 | 24.24 | 3.46 |
NCCX18 | 368 217 | 7.18 | 5 805 146 | 23.16 | 3.63 |
NCCX24 | 329 609 | 6.76 | 5 123 490 | 20.44 | 2.94 |
NCCX8 | 758 583 | 18.24 | 10 167 608 | 40.56 | 5.50 |
WNZ | 577 519 | 14.82 | 8 141 922 | 32.48 | 4.69 |
YC | 251 323 | 7.35 | 3 804 367 | 15.18 | 9.00 |
YH1 | 539 877 | 6.78 | 7 841 706 | 31.28 | 3.70 |
YJX | 500 139 | 6.98 | 7 392 604 | 29.49 | 3.58 |
ZH2 | 541 289 | 6.46 | 8 008 655 | 31.95 | 3.95 |
样本编号 Sample ID | SLAF 数量 SLAF number | 平均深度/× Average depth | SNP 数量 SNP number | 完整性/% Integrity | 杂合率/% Heter ratio |
ZJ | 407 185 | 11.75 | 6 355 024 | 25.35 | 4.03 |
XM06-011 | 457 256 | 13.40 | 7 898 877 | 31.51 | 5.03 |
XM06-010 | 470 333 | 13.51 | 8 089 389 | 32.27 | 4.89 |
XM06-013 | 530 537 | 10.70 | 8 703 605 | 34.72 | 4.48 |
XM06-015 | 468 836 | 14.20 | 8 169 820 | 32.59 | 4.71 |
ZY06-001 | 661 570 | 13.65 | 10 768 142 | 42.95 | 6.52 |
ZY06-003 | 532 811 | 11.17 | 8 338 167 | 33.26 | 5.04 |
ZY06-019 | 527 067 | 12.63 | 8 289 233 | 33.07 | 4.64 |
ZY06-033 | 426 746 | 12.22 | 6 319 921 | 25.21 | 3.51 |
ZY06-037 | 602 969 | 15.19 | 9 522 082 | 37.98 | 4.68 |
MJ06-009 | 520 429 | 13.97 | 8 348 878 | 33.30 | 4.56 |
MJ06-018 | 530 471 | 9.67 | 8 246 077 | 32.89 | 4.20 |
CY06-008 | 441 645 | 11.65 | 7 146 514 | 28.51 | 3.79 |
LC06-027 | 399 991 | 11.92 | 6 634 614 | 26.47 | 3.29 |
JG06-041 | 544 734 | 11.78 | 8 940 958 | 35.67 | 5.49 |
LC06-003 | 471 185 | 15.77 | 7 558 053 | 30.15 | 3.58 |
CY06-025 | 515 104 | 12.35 | 8 162 424 | 32.56 | 4.39 |
JC06-003 | 679 013 | 23.88 | 10 828 450 | 43.19 | 6.45 |
PR06-002 | 604 820 | 18.15 | 9 397 217 | 37.49 | 4.81 |
ZY06-023 | 666 653 | 12.28 | 11 356 933 | 45.30 | 7.35 |
CY06-010 | 363 660 | 10.96 | 5 800 945 | 23.14 | 3.10 |
JD06-009 | 449 962 | 7.96 | 7 124 788 | 28.42 | 4.17 |
JG06-048 | 509 334 | 11.65 | 8 091 180 | 32.28 | 4.21 |
JG06-049 | 457 856 | 11.21 | 7 283 365 | 29.05 | 3.74 |
JG06-035 | 740 212 | 9.88 | 12 615 010 | 50.32 | 10.11 |
RCMYC | 492 005 | 9.00 | 7 729 188 | 30.83 | 3.88 |
GXTLC | 407 528 | 8.47 | 7 115 287 | 28.38 | 4.21 |
QJDS1 | 515 390 | 11.03 | 8 268 692 | 32.98 | 4.96 |
QJDS2 | 476 054 | 10.06 | 7 687 007 | 30.66 | 4.69 |
QJDS3 | 513 155 | 20.96 | 8 747 664 | 34.89 | 5.14 |
JJDS1 | 507 692 | 20.69 | 8 569 999 | 34.19 | 5.07 |
JJDS2 | 512 383 | 26.77 | 8 532 684 | 34.04 | 5.00 |
JJDS3 | 571 736 | 10.75 | 8 347 775 | 33.30 | 5.36 |
JJDS4 | 609 961 | 18.93 | 9 615 444 | 38.36 | 5.68 |
JJDS5 | 484 151 | 17.86 | 8 182 597 | 32.64 | 4.89 |
JJDS6 | 423 805 | 15.78 | 7 195 866 | 28.70 | 4.15 |
YYHY | 586 477 | 14.33 | 8 926 982 | 35.61 | 4.22 |
CN1 | 460 655 | 13.79 | 7 382 921 | 29.45 | 3.63 |
表2 各样本SLAF 标签及SNP 标记统计
Table 2 SLAF labels and SNP markers statistics of each sample
样本编号 Sample ID | SLAF 数量 SLAF number | 平均深度/× Average depth | SNP 数量 SNP number | 完整性/% Integrity | 杂合率/% Heter ratio |
BY1 | 414 220 | 5.55 | 6 454 305 | 25.75 | 3.34 |
CH | 250 085 | 9.56 | 3 929 083 | 15.67 | 6.47 |
CM | 332 076 | 8.02 | 4 926 261 | 19.65 | 10.57 |
FDDB | 481 959 | 8.10 | 7 351 225 | 29.32 | 4.46 |
HD | 506 591 | 8.91 | 7 763 226 | 30.97 | 4.14 |
HJY | 486 495 | 8.03 | 7 480 906 | 29.84 | 3.99 |
JGC | 459 171 | 8.25 | 7 190 058 | 28.68 | 4.13 |
JMD | 449 894 | 7.43 | 7 142 843 | 28.49 | 3.96 |
BBYNDY1 | 428 896 | 7.95 | 7 029 547 | 28.04 | 4.55 |
BBCX1 | 461 256 | 10.3 | 7 211 715 | 28.77 | 3.92 |
LJZH | 474 604 | 8.54 | 7 419 029 | 29.59 | 3.75 |
MG | 461 136 | 7.34 | 7 384 539 | 29.46 | 4.10 |
NCDS111 | 291 238 | 8.10 | 5 453 610 | 21.75 | 3.38 |
NCDS113 | 320 219 | 10.52 | 5 890 530 | 23.50 | 3.61 |
NCDS110 | 324 279 | 9.68 | 5 970 167 | 23.81 | 3.53 |
NCDS13 | 339 038 | 11.17 | 6 099 118 | 24.33 | 3.71 |
NCDS14 | 308 380 | 12.69 | 5 565 239 | 22.20 | 3.63 |
NCDS15 | 323 666 | 11.57 | 5 833 824 | 23.27 | 3.75 |
NCDS17 | 448 147 | 8.76 | 7 351 167 | 29.32 | 4.48 |
NCDS18 | 326 089 | 9.15 | 5 961 543 | 23.78 | 3.37 |
NCDS19 | 260 316 | 9.02 | 4 803 209 | 19.16 | 2.83 |
NCDS20 | 282 640 | 9.73 | 5 134 816 | 20.48 | 3.17 |
NCDS24 | 293 598 | 10.38 | 5 272 901 | 21.03 | 3.32 |
NCDS26 | 328 771 | 10.99 | 5 940 411 | 23.70 | 3.48 |
NCDS50 | 368 320 | 13.21 | 6 541 063 | 26.09 | 3.87 |
NCDS52 | 347 655 | 11.97 | 6 253 213 | 24.94 | 3.65 |
NCDS53 | 444 298 | 8.03 | 7 375 079 | 29.42 | 4.49 |
NCDS8 | 292 326 | 9.71 | 5 303 949 | 21.16 | 3.22 |
NCDS88 | 309 393 | 9.74 | 5 542 995 | 22.11 | 3.42 |
NCDS89 | 320 760 | 9.42 | 5 790 379 | 23.10 | 3.53 |
NCDS90 | 575 792 | 11.92 | 8 983 398 | 35.83 | 5.31 |
NCDS93 | 338 289 | 10.75 | 5 949 992 | 23.73 | 3.69 |
NCDS94 | 344 422 | 10.80 | 6 151 755 | 24.54 | 3.74 |
NCDS97 | 270 397 | 7.26 | 4 931 892 | 19.67 | 3.07 |
NCDS105 | 596 526 | 15.27 | 9 113 088 | 36.35 | 5.41 |
NCDS106 | 448 437 | 13.71 | 7 229 172 | 28.84 | 4.44 |
NCDS107 | 483 678 | 21.66 | 7 990 956 | 31.88 | 4.66 |
NCDS108 | 400 903 | 16.93 | 6 815 528 | 27.19 | 4.16 |
NCDS109 | 451 745 | 18.89 | 7 560 007 | 30.16 | 4.49 |
NCCX10 | 446 271 | 9.38 | 6 912 577 | 27.57 | 3.81 |
NCCX12 | 386 912 | 7.78 | 6 075 948 | 24.24 | 3.46 |
NCCX18 | 368 217 | 7.18 | 5 805 146 | 23.16 | 3.63 |
NCCX24 | 329 609 | 6.76 | 5 123 490 | 20.44 | 2.94 |
NCCX8 | 758 583 | 18.24 | 10 167 608 | 40.56 | 5.50 |
WNZ | 577 519 | 14.82 | 8 141 922 | 32.48 | 4.69 |
YC | 251 323 | 7.35 | 3 804 367 | 15.18 | 9.00 |
YH1 | 539 877 | 6.78 | 7 841 706 | 31.28 | 3.70 |
YJX | 500 139 | 6.98 | 7 392 604 | 29.49 | 3.58 |
ZH2 | 541 289 | 6.46 | 8 008 655 | 31.95 | 3.95 |
样本编号 Sample ID | SLAF 数量 SLAF number | 平均深度/× Average depth | SNP 数量 SNP number | 完整性/% Integrity | 杂合率/% Heter ratio |
ZJ | 407 185 | 11.75 | 6 355 024 | 25.35 | 4.03 |
XM06-011 | 457 256 | 13.40 | 7 898 877 | 31.51 | 5.03 |
XM06-010 | 470 333 | 13.51 | 8 089 389 | 32.27 | 4.89 |
XM06-013 | 530 537 | 10.70 | 8 703 605 | 34.72 | 4.48 |
XM06-015 | 468 836 | 14.20 | 8 169 820 | 32.59 | 4.71 |
ZY06-001 | 661 570 | 13.65 | 10 768 142 | 42.95 | 6.52 |
ZY06-003 | 532 811 | 11.17 | 8 338 167 | 33.26 | 5.04 |
ZY06-019 | 527 067 | 12.63 | 8 289 233 | 33.07 | 4.64 |
ZY06-033 | 426 746 | 12.22 | 6 319 921 | 25.21 | 3.51 |
ZY06-037 | 602 969 | 15.19 | 9 522 082 | 37.98 | 4.68 |
MJ06-009 | 520 429 | 13.97 | 8 348 878 | 33.30 | 4.56 |
MJ06-018 | 530 471 | 9.67 | 8 246 077 | 32.89 | 4.20 |
CY06-008 | 441 645 | 11.65 | 7 146 514 | 28.51 | 3.79 |
LC06-027 | 399 991 | 11.92 | 6 634 614 | 26.47 | 3.29 |
JG06-041 | 544 734 | 11.78 | 8 940 958 | 35.67 | 5.49 |
LC06-003 | 471 185 | 15.77 | 7 558 053 | 30.15 | 3.58 |
CY06-025 | 515 104 | 12.35 | 8 162 424 | 32.56 | 4.39 |
JC06-003 | 679 013 | 23.88 | 10 828 450 | 43.19 | 6.45 |
PR06-002 | 604 820 | 18.15 | 9 397 217 | 37.49 | 4.81 |
ZY06-023 | 666 653 | 12.28 | 11 356 933 | 45.30 | 7.35 |
CY06-010 | 363 660 | 10.96 | 5 800 945 | 23.14 | 3.10 |
JD06-009 | 449 962 | 7.96 | 7 124 788 | 28.42 | 4.17 |
JG06-048 | 509 334 | 11.65 | 8 091 180 | 32.28 | 4.21 |
JG06-049 | 457 856 | 11.21 | 7 283 365 | 29.05 | 3.74 |
JG06-035 | 740 212 | 9.88 | 12 615 010 | 50.32 | 10.11 |
RCMYC | 492 005 | 9.00 | 7 729 188 | 30.83 | 3.88 |
GXTLC | 407 528 | 8.47 | 7 115 287 | 28.38 | 4.21 |
QJDS1 | 515 390 | 11.03 | 8 268 692 | 32.98 | 4.96 |
QJDS2 | 476 054 | 10.06 | 7 687 007 | 30.66 | 4.69 |
QJDS3 | 513 155 | 20.96 | 8 747 664 | 34.89 | 5.14 |
JJDS1 | 507 692 | 20.69 | 8 569 999 | 34.19 | 5.07 |
JJDS2 | 512 383 | 26.77 | 8 532 684 | 34.04 | 5.00 |
JJDS3 | 571 736 | 10.75 | 8 347 775 | 33.30 | 5.36 |
JJDS4 | 609 961 | 18.93 | 9 615 444 | 38.36 | 5.68 |
JJDS5 | 484 151 | 17.86 | 8 182 597 | 32.64 | 4.89 |
JJDS6 | 423 805 | 15.78 | 7 195 866 | 28.70 | 4.15 |
YYHY | 586 477 | 14.33 | 8 926 982 | 35.61 | 4.22 |
CN1 | 460 655 | 13.79 | 7 382 921 | 29.45 | 3.63 |
图6 各样本PCA三维聚类图(A)和二维聚类图(B) 一个点代表一个样本,一种颜色代表一个分组。
Fig. 6 PCA three-dimensional cluster diagram(A)and two-dimensional cluster diagram(B)of each sample A point represents a sample and a color represents a group.
样本群Sample group | A1 | A2 | B | C | D |
A1 | |||||
A2 | 0.396658 | ||||
B | 0.311787 | 0.218657 | |||
C | 0.401042 | 0.084062 | 0.219729 | ||
D | 0.379444 | 0.416460 | 0.272662 | 0.396544 |
表3 各样本群间遗传分化系数成对比较
Table 3 Pairwise comparison of genetic differentiation coefficient among sample groups
样本群Sample group | A1 | A2 | B | C | D |
A1 | |||||
A2 | 0.396658 | ||||
B | 0.311787 | 0.218657 | |||
C | 0.401042 | 0.084062 | 0.219729 | ||
D | 0.379444 | 0.416460 | 0.272662 | 0.396544 |
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