Acta Horticulturae Sinica ›› 2024, Vol. 51 ›› Issue (4): 859-874.doi: 10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2022-1113
• Plant Protection • Previous Articles Next Articles
YU Jing1, FENG Xiangjun1, JIN Yingxue2,*(), DING Guohua1,*(
JIN Yingxue, DING Guohua
YU Jing, FENG Xiangjun, JIN Yingxue, DING Guohua. Inhibitory Effect of Pyropheophorbide-a on Cucumber Fusarium Wilt[J]. Acta Horticulturae Sinica, 2024, 51(4): 859-874.
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Fig. 1 Growth of Fusarium oxysporium f. sp. cucumerinum(FOC)colonies after treatment with different concentrations of(PPa)and inhibition rate of hyphal growth Different lowercase letters indicate a significant difference in the level of 0.05 among different treatments. The same below.
Fig. 3 Effects of different concentration,light intensity and light duration of pyropheophorbide-a(PPa)treatment on the content of malondialdehyde(MDA)in cucumber leaf infected with Fusarium wilt
Fig. 4 Effects of different concentration,light intensity and light duration of pyropheophorbide-a(PPa)treatment on the content of proline in cucumber leaf infected with Fusarium wilt
Fig. 5 Effects of different concentration,light intensity and light duration of pyropheophorbide-a(PPa)treatment on peroxidase(POD)activity in cucumber leaf infected with Fusarium wilt
Fig. 6 Effects of different concentration,light intensity and light duration of pyropheophorbide-a(PPa)treatment on the activity of superoxide dismutase(SOD)in cucumber leaf infected with Fusarium wilt
Fig. 7 Effects of different concentration,light intensity and light duration of pyropheophorbide-a(PPa)treatment on peroxidase(CAT)activity in cucumber leaf infected with Fusarium wilt
Fig. 8 Effects of different concentration,light intensity and light duration of pyropheophorbide-a(PPa)treatment on hydrogen peroxide content in cucumber leaf infected with Fusarium wilt
Fig. 9 Effects of different concentration,light intensity and light duration of pyropheophorbide-a(PPa)treatment on superoxide anion in cucumber leaf infected with Fusarium wilt
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